Here are some pics of Bambi, my SuperHawk. Click on each for a bigger image.
Some of the pics may look rather contrasty. It is because I have a cheap scanner.
The photos themselves actually look halfway decent. I apologize for the terrible looking page.
I am just throwing the stuff together. I can actually design very nice web pages.
VTR magazine articles
These articles were taken directly from the magazines listed. There will be more articles posted all the time. Keep checking back.
Nothing has been proofread, I just used the spell checker from MS Word. Everything should be OK
Cycle World Magazine
July 1997 Sweet 16 Shootout - This is a sixteen bike comparison. The only parts of the article on-line are the intro, the Sporting Twins,
And the conclusion. The rest of the article has nothing to do with the VTR, so I left it out.
MotorCyclist Magazine
October 1998 - Two Brother's SuperHawk
SportRider Magazine
SportBike Annual
I do not take any credit for writing any of these articles, and I am not trying to make a profit off of this web site.
I am just posting the articles I have for the enjoyment of my fellow VTR1000F owners. So if you are one of the people
who wrote these articles and are mad, don't sue me.