Germany's Political Parties
Deutschland :Partei Politisch

Germany has several political parties of which only a few hold the majority of the seats in parliament. In the 1998 elections, seats in the Bundestag parliament were elected as follows: SPD 40.9% (298 seats), CDU 28.4% (198 seats), CSU 6.7% (47 seats), GRUNE 6.7% (47 seats), FDP 6.2% (43 seats), PDS 5.1% (36 seats), with the other political parties receiving around 1% of the vote, yet gaining no seats. The federal Executive President is Johannes Rau and the executive Federal Chancellor is Gerhard Schroder ; both are in the Social Democratic Party of Germany. The president is elected for a five year term by a federal convention consisting of the federal Assembly and the delegation elected by the state parliaments. The Chancellor serves a four year term and is elected by an absolute majority of the Federal Assembly. The German  Parliament has two chambers. The first is the  Bundestag/Federal Diet and is  comprised of 669 members elected to four year terms. The second is the Bundesrat/Federal Council which consists of 69 members who represent the state governments in Germany.
Present Day Germany
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Comparative Politics
University Of Arizona
Nick Lehrling
Prof. Kurzer
Section Teacher:
Greg Dixon
Official Political Party Links:
Social Democratic Party
Christian Democratic Union
Christian Social Union
Green Party
Free Democratic Party
Note: All linked pages can be translated by clicking here.
Additional Official Political Party Links:

Party of Democratic Socialism

The Republicans

German People's Union
Additional German Political / Government Links

Germany's Federal President

Germany's Federal Chancellor

Federal Diet

Federal Council

Germany's Constitution

German Federal Bank

UN Representation

Council on Foreign Relations

National Security/Military