This the homepage of "Count Craiggers"

Quad, You guys are the best. All the memories and the time we spent together can never be replaced by anything. Thanks for everything, and best of luck in life, love and happiness.
Along with them are some other friends i've collected over the years that i've been fortunate enough to keep in touch with.

I love you all, and i'll always be here for you if you need anything


Quad Caricature and of course Madrigal Charlies Angels aww, arn't they cute! My girls still in HS
My Bestest Buddy Travis. Some friends from greenville! Cori and Meghan
And of course we have to have at least one recent pic of me!Steph, Nathaniel and Jen.
Ok, yes i did used to look like this Hair Cut!
ok and last is the cutest slippers ever (i own them) Ducks!

This page last updated on 11/30/04.

The St. Louis Cardinals are my favorite Baseball Team.

You Know you're a nerd when:

You know your TA's don't pay attention to your assignments, and to prove this you write them notes in the variable names you use. yes you encode them using ascii.
OK, so i've only done this a few times. but the messeges included "please fail me!" and "will you date my roomie?"
oh well, for those of you that don't know what ascii is, here take a look.

Being a christian,

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.

playing my flute,

you may think this is weird for a guy to play the flute, untill you see the ratio of 28 girls and you as the only boy... it has its advantages.

For the sake of remembering, i used to watch Nascar winston cup,
and my favorite driver is Jeff Gordon.

I'm sure some of you people will enjoy this.

Now for some nastalgia. Going back Old-School i played an internet game called Paintball-Net.
I was a co-founder of the team known as JETTERS, so i left the site up for all you guys who want a flashback to the golden days of PBN. Enjoy!

Please sign my guest book

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Another page of interest could be my brother's site Mark's home page

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