Welcome to Craiger’s page

This is a photo gallery for friends and family

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My Toys.  This page has pictures of my 1962 Chevy Nova, 1998 Harley Fatboy and my 1990 Reinell Boat.



This is where I am currently living. Click on the graphic to view pictures of Kwajalein and the local area.



The graphic below will take you to my buddy Ed's site. He has more photos from our time on Kwajalein as well as many other subjects.

Pohnpei 2000.  Pictures from a vacation I took to the tropical island of Pohnpei back in 2000.



Road Trip 2002.  Pictures from a 5,200 mile road trip I took on my Harley during the Summer of 2002.  Mostly pictures of friends and family visited along the way.