Welcome to NoFords World(www.nofords.com)! NoFords World is now 7 years old, we've been on the web since 1997. I would like to introduce my site, so hold off on the pro-Ford hatemail. I hate Fords because the quality of their cars disgusts me, and I am not alone! Notice I said cars, because that is what I had the displeasure of experiencing, and I do not know much about their trucks. But with the Ford Explorer/Firestone tire tread separation problems I doubt the trucks are any better. As for GM and Chrysler, their quality is not much better. I used to own a '92 Oldsmobile Achieva, and I now feel sorry for the guy who bought it off me! The reason European and Japanese companies are so successful is because they can make powerful cars, and at the same time make those cars fuel-efficient. Also, Toyotas and Hondas are much more reliable than anything Ford will ever make. Until American car companies learn how to make vehicles that their owners will not be embarrased to drive, they will all go the way of Plymouth and Oldsmobile.
Well, with this in mind, please feel free to e-mail me with your suggestions on how I can improve my site, or if you are too lazy just sign my guestbook. I appreciate all your comments, and I thank you for respecting my opinion on American cars. Thanks for visiting, have a nice day.
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