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[The 1st Gen. RX-7] Mazspeed's
First Generation RX-7 Website

19th Sept '98 - The GARAGE Is BACK!!! - After numerous delays and sleepless nights, the GARAGE Q&A is now back up and running. Furthermore, we are in the process of revamping the whole site, i.e. to move it to a new server where we have more freedom and flexibility to put up cool features. Check out the currently-under-construction

Thanks to everybody who waited and waited.

This website,first and foremost, is dedicated to all First-Generation RX-7 enthusiasts all over the world. Although no mere website can do justice to this awesome car, here I intend to collate and compile all those 1st.-gen RX-7 out there for all to see.

Please proceed to The Showroom to view these RX-7s. To post questions and queries regarding your 1st Gen., recommendations for upgrades, opinions, etc., go to The Garage Q& A Board. Otherwise, feel free to browse around and tell me what you think of this site.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTs: I would like to thank those who has send me pics and stories of their RX-7s. Keep it coming ..! I will include them here as soon as I can.

Also thanks to Rick, Hector and the team at P.R.Motorsports, without whom I would not have such an awesome car in the first place (.. and thus the inspiration for this website)

[Race-modified RX-7]

FEEDBACK: If you have not signed my guestbook yet, please do so at My Guestbook. You could also drop me a line anytime to tell me of suggestions, comments, etc. regarding my homepage.

Thank You for your time and do visit us again


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[Another awesome race-modified RX-7]

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