Welcome To Ripclaw's Rippin Web Page

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This is my attempt at a half-ass webpage ! So don't laugh unless you've  gone  down  this  road   too!


                 Thank  you  for  visiting  my  home  page, I want  to share  with  you my journey  from  summer '97. Where  I rode  my  GSX-R1100cc   sportbike from Las Vegas, Nevada   to  Philadelphia, PA and back to Las Vegas.  It  took 13 hours  of  riding  to get  to   Clovis, NM where I stoppped to visit  a  friend. I never knew NM was  so flat, it seemed  to make  the  trip longer then  it   really was. It  took 30 hours  of  riding from  Clovis, NM to  Philadelphia, PA. The  weather was  prefect all  the way, I seemed  to miss every rain storm. Around Oklahoma I ran out of gas, even thou  I had  a gas  can with  me, it was empty. I was  trying  to push my gas mileage  too far! Ended  up having to  push  my bike  for about 2 miles (she would run for alittle bit and then I would have to push her for alittle bit) off and on. After alot of hours riding on a "crotch rocket" the vibrations from the road can defintely put you to sleep. As I started falling asleep off and on, I kept one thought going in my head. That thought was to make it home to see my DAD, who I hadn't seen in about 1 1/2 years. The Lord was definitely watching over me ! It's weird looking back on that part of the trip because it feels like I was on the outside looking in. To  Be   Contiuned.........   

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Here  are  some   links  and  at  the  bottom  of  each  page   is  a  banner, if  anyone  wants  to  add  me   to  their  webpage , feel  free.  Make  sure  you   look  at  all  3 banners  before  you  decide   on  one.  :O)

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Go See da-colonelm.gif (20432 bytes)'s Page  for some good laughs and Doug   Reilly's  Page  a cool graphic artist !


DaD's   House

newgreenspincool.gif (9644 bytes) Photos From Around The Worldnewgreenspincool.gif (9644 bytes) 

construt.gif (3534 bytes)Ride'in & Hang'in Out



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