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Pinheads Palace

Welcome! I am known as Pinhead on the net, my real name is Darren, but you can call me whatever you like! This page is about me and the things that I like, I know I'm in a racing neighborhood and I promise to have some cool pics soon of my bud and his new race car just as soon as I get em, til then I want to post pics of friends of mine and my family.

Lets see, my interests. Right now I'm big time into bowling. I hope to maybe be a regional pro soon, who knows. I also love stockcar racing and was lucky enough to get involved in it on a local level in El Cajon Calif. I pit crewed for a guy who was very knowledgeable about every aspect of a race car. Some people think you just get in and turn left but there is alot to making a car go do that quickly. Hmmm...what else. I also like to follow meteorology. If you would like to see a radar pic that is updated every 60 seconds click on the tulsa weather link I have, you might even get to see some very wicked storms on it if ya check back often. Anything else? Well, by nature I am a very competitive person, I like wrestling (not the kind on TV!)and did that in high school and even had hopes of goin to the olympic's but it was not to be, wasn't quite good enough. So there ya have it, a little something about me, hope I didn't bore you to death! Thank's for coming by and please sign the guestbook so I'll know ya been here! :--))

The Wall

Some pics

Navy Days

Some midi's

Pinheads XXX Pics!

My adopted POW/MIA

Check out the weather in Tulsa Oklahoma

My Dad

Some very cool pages!

Ernie Irvan driving the Davey Allison Memorial Thunderbird


Hellraiser is copyrighted by Miramax films. Thanks to altaricon4 for the geocities icon.

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