
Hello, Welcome to the unofficial website of the 1989 Dodge/Plymouth Colt GT & Mitsubishi Mirage.
I have always had a thing for high performance hatch-backs, mainly the early Honda Civic Si. I previously
owned a 1980 Civic 1500... what a great little car and... well that's about all I can say, not very spunky.
I knew I needed an upgrade and went searching for a decent late80s / early90s Civic Si, test drove a few...
they didn't  meet that high expectation I was visualizing but I knew with a few dollars I could get more out of it.
I noticed in the ads, an ad stated: "1989 Colt Turbo DOHC, 57,000 miles, $4,300". Stoked but
nervous again about the expectations, I went to this car lot full of old 70s Chevys and Fords and hidden
behind these land yachts was a beautiful silver hatchback with an aggressive stance and some meaty tires,
it was a "diamond in the rough". Talked to "car dealer" in his shed (it was his office) about a test drive...
got the keys, filled it up and went for a 2 hour test drive (man that was fun)... right when you get in, you know
you're not driving a Civic but if you're still not sure... your right foot will tell different. Long story short...
after my 2 hour joy ride, offered the guy $3,900 (but would have gladly paid $4,300)
and drove off with a great big smile on my face.

I was concerned about having a vehicle only in production for one year (1989), parts could
be hard to come by. After talking with a few Colt GT nuts on the web though, my worries went
away. Mechanically, it shares many parts with the Tri-Star DSMs, those are everywhere.

Anyways... feel free to browse my site. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions
send me an e-mail, my address is at the bottom of every page. Enjoy!!


( Some funny ass bumper sticker sayings, you have to read these!! ) 

My Colt GT Turbo

My Colt GT Turbo
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