Welcome to Mike's Home Page.
This page is constantly under re-construction. And is best viewed with Netscape,
because Internet Explorer sucks.
My old home page is....
UPDATE: Our new dog, Bear, is here.
NOTE: This is my first web page. I spent half a day reading how to use HTML and this page is my learning tool. It will be upgraded continuously. So to all you critics, if you don't like my page, then hit your back button.
Now, updated on 5-16-2003 with Minty Fresh Pine Forest Lemon Orange-GlowScent. Lean close to your monitor, mmmm, smell the minty fresh scent? NO? Neither did I. But hey, the Orange-Glow cleaned you monitor screen didn't it? NO? Didn't do nothing for mine either. So, while your thinking about it, shouldn't you clean you monitor's screen? When was the last time you did? Can't remember can you? I know, I'm psychic...
Whoa! I haven't updated this here thingy in quite some time... (8-19-2005).
A Clockwork Orange
My Clockwork Orange page is here.
Interview with God
Who is
Mike - Updated July, 2007
Please come back soon and visit me.
Created 12-18-97. This page was last updated 8-09-2007.
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