The Belgian Tervuren, Belgian Sheepdog, and Cobra II Home Page

Basically for the two hobbies that take most of our spare time.

We have two new family members Ashlee, our Sheltie and Hanna our Minature Austrailian hyper dog! Dilly my daughters Belgian also live with us. Here my wife is demonstrating how food motivated they are, cheese sticks make wonder training tools, helpful to the handler too. Ashlee and Hanna enjoying the last snowstorm of the season(hopefully). .

Sad news, we lost Korkie to Stomach Cancer on 12/23/05. This is how she was to us.

Summer News: Korkie won her first major show this summer on July at the Ann Arbor Kennel Club show in Monroe Michigan. We followed that up on July 26th with a Best of Breed at the Dan Emmit Kennel Club show in Marion Ohio.

Here are our dogs: Maggie on the left, our Belgian Sheepdog. She's sheep crazy! Korkie our newest family addition, is a Belgian Tervuern. As I said Maggie is sheep crazy and used to run my wife Regina ragged!

5/13/00 News Flash - Maggie has her AHBA HCT first leg! After three lessons I jumped into the ring and worked her through the test...or she led me around and I just spun in circle...whatever you believe!

Even hard working sheepdogs need a soaking every now and then!! She tore the pads on three of her paws during that days workout. Maggie does have lots of enthusiasm!

As I said our newest addition is Korkie, Fastbreaks Dutch Fantasy. She's our Belgian Tervuern and is a real food driven dog!

She was entered in her first "Official" show the first weekend in August 1998, and even made it to Group (she was the only Terv, but it does sound real good!). She is out of the Fastbreaks kennel; Gail and Lisa Kingsley.

5/13/00 More news....Korkie also earned her AHBA HCT first leg at the Belgian Sheepdog Club of Northeast Ohio Herding Trial. Being younger and having had fewer lessons than I have, she still shined and within 5 minutes (5 long ones!) passed with flying colors!

Summer News: Korkie won two of the four shows entered in July. I looked terrible, but she was Best of Winners at the Richland KC show in Ashland Ohio and was Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Dan Emmet KC show in Marion Ohio.

Korkie is out of the Fastbreaks Kennel. Gale and Lisa Kingsley have been great at supporting Korkie's antics at home. Their web page can be accessed here.

Go to the "Fastbreak Achievers" Korkie is under the litter of World CH Flodder van't Wedertsheim and CH Fastbreaks Grand Affair - Official name is Fastbreaks Dutch Fantasy.

News Flash - As of November 1999 both Korkie and Maggie earned their AKC Companion Dog titles, a week apart! Maggie earned her CD in 4 shows, three if you don't count the one with my wife sitting at ring side! After the show ring circus with my wife present, Maggie took a first at the Ann Arbor Training Club on October 9th...then again on the 10th....A CLEAN SWEEP, 15 dogs each day. The next weekend in Toledo Ohio she earned her title with a third place finish out of 12. Then we went to Cleveland All Breed the following weekend and she earned a second place out of 18.

HOT NEWS ON MY COBRA! The feature article on my Cobra II taken at the Fun Ford Weekend by Mustang Illustrated arrived in the January issue! Click on the button to go to the site where the article has been placed.

Here are some pic's of my 76 Mustang II Cobra. I used to autocross it in the SCCA Solo II racing. Serious competition ended in 1985 when the arrival of my children soaked in. The newer pictures show it as it was when it finally hit the streets again in 1997.

You'll notice that I moved the turn signals down to the bumpers, recessed the grill and extended the nose. I also utilzed a shaker hood scoop from a 70 Mustang, which I think adds a lot to the looks. Not evident in the photo's but I've also converted it to a functional dual snorkel shaker setup.

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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