Ron Mattson's
Antique Engine Collectors

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Welcome you are visitor number
to my site!
Hello, my name is Ron Mattson I am an advid antique
engine collector. You can check out my engines, and current projects in the photo gallery. While
your here I would appreciate it if you sign my guest book and tell me how you like this site, and I would especially like to
hear about your engines!
When I'm not in my workshop restoring old engines, I'm busy at the computer compiling a list of
all the Manufacturers that have built engines in New England. The database of
information that I have compiled on this topic is available to you on the New England
Engines page of this web site. Feel free to browse around and use this data, all I ask
is that you help me by sharing any information that you have on New England Engine
Manufacturers. (I could also use some help with verfication that this data is correct,
so if you find any problems/spelling/grammar errors, please send me a note. R.Mattson@juno.com)
At this site you will also find an article I wrote that was published in "Gas Engine Magazine" on an
old marine engine that I found in a relatives back yard It had been sitting there rusting away for years. It
was quite a project restoring that!
My latest project is making etched brass nametags, if you are missing yours you may be interested in checking them out.
When your finished here, go to my links page and check out my favorite sites. I have rated each site
and added a description to help you find the information you are looking for.
Happy Surfing,
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