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The Scorpion Resource Page

(How to keep a Beta alive)

'77 pamphlet '77 pamphlet flip side

This page is intended to serve as a clearinghouse for information on the upkeep, increase of performance, or just plain enjoyment of the Lancia Beta Scorpion

To go to the service / upgrade guide click Here!
(for now it's just whatever I have gathered from the web)

If you have any tips or ideas of your own PLEASE SUBMIT! them for everyones benefit!

For Wiring Diagrams click Here!

(Very awkward right now large format sum total~ 1 meg.
If you want to see one close right-click and save it to your machine)

To go to more Fiat / Lancia Links than you could ever need click here

Click here to go to a gallery of all the
Scorpion/Montecarlo pictures that I have found to date.

Click here to go to my main page
with more Fiat and Lancia stuff.

Have a Mirrored look at Ken Havens Turbo Thema powered Scorpion Site!
Click Here!

Remember, If you have any tips or ideas of your own PLEASE SUBMIT! them for everyones benefit!
Here are some links to other sites on the Internet
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