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Trust the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path. Proverds 3:5,6
Hello, My name is Will.  Thanks for taking a look at my page. I am a 24 year old, Blue Eyed, Brown Hair, Christian, Searching to become more.  I acknowledge that I beleive in the one true god of heaven, who through his son became a man and Died on the Cross of Calavry. Was raised to life again three days later, and Now sits again in heaven.

I have known about god, close to all my life, From the time I was a child, where I would go to a little church in Flint Hill, Va and would put in the offering plate the 2-3 dollars that my great grandmother would give me, and when I would read the little stories in the childrens bible, my grandmother had beside the bed I slept in. I Thank God for my great grandmother and the love she showed me growing up. Then later when I moved to Ohio as a student, Not knowing a thing about living on my own and knowing that god watched out for me in more ways then one. God you know. Now, I am back in Virginia, learning what I can of him, Asking for guidance and love that only he can give. I was baptised by water on March 5, 2000. I searched for god, but my faith was small and I stepped back to sin for a season. In August, I began going back to church. I also rededicated my self to God. It has been a trying experience the last few months, but I know God is merciful, an patient. I am working to strenghten my Faith. To beleive god is and will always be capable to meet all my needs as well as your needs as long as we trust him.
Man made Car, Calls it Terrific. God made tree, Called it Good.
Man made airplane, Calls it Amazing. God Created All, Called it Very Good
In your opinion, whos understanding is Better.