I have known about god, close to all my life, From the time I was a child, where I would go to a little church in Flint Hill, Va and would put in the offering plate the 2-3 dollars that my great grandmother would give me, and when I would read the little stories in the childrens bible, my grandmother had beside the bed I slept in. I Thank God for my great grandmother and the love she showed me growing up. Then later when I moved to Ohio as a student, Not knowing a thing about living on my own and knowing that god watched out for me in more ways then one. God you know. Now, I am back in Virginia, learning what I can of him, Asking for guidance and love that only he can give. I was baptised by water on March 5, 2000. I searched for god, but my faith was small and I stepped back to sin for a season. In August, I began going back to church. I also rededicated my self to God. It has been a trying experience the last few months, but I know God is merciful, an patient. I am working to strenghten my Faith. To beleive god is and will always be capable to meet all my needs as well as your needs as long as we trust him. |