This is the front page on Geocities, they are lovely people aren't they ?

I've since moved to, you will be taken there in a couple of seconds, all being well, otherwise just use this link : link

Mail your comments good or bad to me, Damon, at this address: and as usual, I shall ignore them, and do whatever it was I was intending to do in the first place.

The 1957 Dealer Accessory brochure has been given it's own page .

Please take time to visit my Gallery, a photographic record of my restoration project '59 "Old School" Cal Looker. Now even more - with . of the gallery. Now a third page of photos! Dated from about September 97 to Jan 98. Engine in, windows complete, car just about done. Check it out in Gallery 3

The car was asked to appear at the National VolksWorld Show '98 on 28-29th March. If you were there and saw it, drop me a line. It's just about finished now, and I will be doing the show circuit in it this year whilst it's still shiny. If you see me say Hi. It goes like stink by the way :-)

I've shown it at Stonor Park, BVF (Got Best paint in class), and Bug Jam, some I don't remember, and Meltdown 98 (Best in Class).

Here are a couple of new photos for you.

The Edubs FAQ is here although you should email me for the
most recent version as I'm usually a bit busy to tackle the uploading saga.
Did I mention that my car is picured in Volksworld Sept '98 issue ? Oh yes. Also the Jan '99 issue has my car in the Volksworld Show advert, page 34. VW Motoring's review of the '98 season has no less than four pics of my car. I love them I do.

Ive recently bought a 1957 Combi, Details here.

Edubs Volksworld99 event pics here.

*Sales Brochure * *Accessory Brochure * * Gallery * * Gallery 2 * * Gallery 3 * * VolksWorld'98 * * Edubs pics * * My 57 bus * * My 57 bus Page 2 * * My 57 bus Page 3 *

Ive removed some of this stuff as I'm no longer able to edit it (I changed employer) If you're clever enough you'll be able to find out how to get it, but I'm not going to help you.

Folks have visited since the 18th March 1997.