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Driver: Bill Maiden

Crew Chief: Dean Lewis

Assistant Crew Chief: Ron Fellers


We race at Gas City I69 Speedway in Gas City, IN., Street Stock division. In 1998 Bill finished 3rd in the points at Gas City. He won one feature,2 or 3 heats and one trophy dash. I think we could of won the points but, we had a lot of bad luck,too many DNFs (Did Not Finish) mainly due to cut tires. James Headley won the points. In 1997 Bill finished 3rd in the points at Gas City. He won 3 feature races and 2 trophy dashes. And I don't remember how many heat races he won. In 1996 he won the points championship at Whitewater Valley Speedway in Liberty, IN. He had 5 feature wins that year. Our car is a 1982 Monte Carlo. We would like to thank everybody (family) that suported us when we first started racing in 1995. That includes you too Tom & Connie Blevins.

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