Welcome to The Site of Cars

& Interesting Stuff


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"There are two rules to being an ultimate success in life:
1. Never tell everything you know." Unknown author
"I'm not afraid of computers taking over the world. They're just sitting there. I can hit them with a two by four." Thom Yorke of Radiohead

Feel free to explore this site, and when you are done please visit my other sites.

Jeep pic's here's a few pics from various trips out with my jeep. Psycho off-road official website coming soon so I don't have to host this stuff here.

The jeep section linked above is about the only recent content added to this site in a couple years... The rest of the site sucks, don't bother.

The Cars Section


In the cars section I have featured a number of different models of Porsches along with the C5 Chevy Corvette and the AM General Hummer; some of the most ass kickin' vehicles on the planet. These three vehicles represent a huge piece of the history of the automobile as we know it today. Cars are a part of history, esspecially American history that is often overlooked or under rated. However, this isn't a site about history, and therefore I won't talk too much about it. The columns within focus on my personal opinion of these vehicles and how I think they each are special in their own way. There will be more cars to come, so please return to my site and check out this ever evolving resource of knowledge again.

My Motorcycle Page

This section has details about my motorcycle and also has pics of it and stories of interesting things that have happened to me while riding (mostly crashes). So even if you aren't all that interested in dirt bikes it could still prove to be a very interesting (read: funny) section to visit.

My games section has to do with just that, video games. Even though the main focus of this site is cars, I love video games too, so I have included this section too.

About Me
Since there have been a number of requests for info about the author of this 'heavenly site' I have added one, because my readers are the only reason I am making this site. Anyway, on the page you will find info. about me, and there will be some pics for you to see what I look like. Anyway, if you still wan't me to add more info, just tell me what you want as always.

In the links section, you will find just that; links to other sites that are good and related to my content, or just good pages of general interest. If you wanna know more about the page, then go to it.

A Look Ahead

Cars Updates To Come
In the future I will be adding more cars, I already have the Dodge Viper featured on one of my other sites (site #1 linked below) but I will be making a new home for that section on this site with some serious upgrades. I will also try to get a Ferrari featured on here as soon as I can. The Porsche Page will also be getting some added features if I can think of anything really kewl to add (this is where your suggestions would be helpful). The Porsche page is getting so much attention because it gets way more hits tahn all the others.

Games Updates To Come
I will be adding little things here and there, but as this is primarily a cars site, I will be focusing on the cars sections first, and as time allows, I will be adding to the games.

Click here to view my old guestbook enteries.

Please come back soon and visit me.