Whoa, there, pardner. C'mon in and set a spell!

(Midi now playing: "Desperado")

Welcome to the home of "Cracker", a/k/a The Cracker Man.
My sweet wife Beej signed me up for my own site, but I've not quite completed the move yet. Psssttt... it's been 2 years now ... and still not much progress *LOL*

My interests and a description of my pages:

Hawgs (Harley Davidson motorcycles)

An awesome site to learn more about the famous Harley Bike Week and Biketoberfest events held in Daytona Beach, Florida. You 'll also want to check out more of Henry's pages!)

Fishing & Hunting


Tennessee Walking Horses

Gaited Mules

Miniature Horses
Rodeo Stuff

Oh yeah, and here's a special page created for me by JoeB, a special friend, which eventually will be a link to some good midi files. Bear with me while it gets created!

Each topic will eventually include its own topic-related links, which I hope you'll find interesting. So, maybe you'll drop by often and check out the updates!



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Psst!!! The number on the right side of the counter is how many visitors, not the speed limit thru here!*G*

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