Jason's World of

pony graphic Classic Mustangs

1964 thru 1969

Welcome to Jason's World of Classic Mustangs! If you're asking yourself "Self, why am I here,"
   1)You need some help (c'mon, you're talking to yourself), and
   B)Stop asking!

This page is for anyone who loves Mustangs, like me. That's why I created it. I thought I would share the world's best car ever created with anyone who cares to hear what I have to say. So I hope you like what you see, and if not tell me what could be changed.

You will be able to find pictures, facts, and links here. Oh, if I have one of your pictures, email me either credits I can add or a note asking me to take it off. Thanks for coming, and enjoy a little classical music if your browser supports it (after all, this is a classic page).


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