My SV650r for the 2007 season. White Spar Racing Alwayz and Forever!!!

My SV650r for the 2006 season

GSXR... Rule the track! Everything else is a streetbike!

Billy'z 05 SV650r

In the past I have won three regional championships and took third at Daytona in 2000... The future??? who know only time and $$$ will tell.

Billy'z 2004 season SV650r racebike

JennyD and Me at Datona hOOters Biketoberfest 2005

Yaw Bitches!

Jus' me...Billy Ho.

Sponsored by: White Spar Racing, AGV, Dunlop,EBC, Factory, LP,Sharkshinz,Yoshimura , Cobb's Restaurant, Blue Point Racing & ALL my pay-check(s)?!

Are you furred out?!?!?!

EnTeR My RaCe WeEk~EnD PiCz PaGe!

Click on FlIgHt~TrAiNiNg to see where I became a WiLd & Cr@zY Pilot.

Currently I started my own aviation consulting firm called... M.A.C. (Makoa Aero Consulting), which I'm making sure planes don't fall out of the sky.

Shouts out to Mesa Air group: JR, TJ, Mac, Scott, Gabe, Ying, Brad's Crew, Da boyz in the Hangar...

I'm a private pilot/aircraft maintenance quid/sportbike racer rolled into one...and a big kid @ heart!

I'm 5'6, 165#'s,brn eyes, blk hair (most of the time) and hawaiian born with a bit of filipino... that's where the "Pedro" comes from.

"A place where I used to be..so far across the sea..you're the island of my FaNtAsY..you're that's all to me...because of you I feel so right...through all my sleepless nights...I know I'm not alone...cuz Hawai'i you're my home..."

That "Special Place" I call home is on the warm tropical beaches of O'ahu's NoRtH ShOrE.

I would like to say MaHaLoS to my parents, without their love,support and encouragement thru the years, because I wouldn't be that crazy pilot racing across the sky today "with his hair on fire"...oh sorry for buzzing the house that day! OOOOPS =LoVe Y@ MoM-n-DaD your the best of da bestestestest!!! Da Best!=

....And to my lil sister..."Grace @)+-"....ThAnKs for being there for me as a friend and a caring sister....all the times you kept me in check and understanding my situations....The BiGgEsT hUgZ -N- KiSiEz to y@....LoVe Y@!!!

I just wanna give a BIG warm ~HugZzZzZz~ to my friend ..."Faith C. " @)+-- ~wink~ you are the best when it comez to giving advice, for matters of the HeArT! That's why your my best friend that anyone could have!

I got FAITH in my life... do you?

And to my cousin Rho...without you my Sportbike racing Career would be a dream...thanks to you I'm living that dream...-we had some rippin' SuDaY~RiDeZ together was hella fun rippin' through the back roadz of Arizona!-...dedicating my '96 roadracing seasion to ya!

GoT MiLk?
Well a bit about me I've been flying planes since high school...my first plane that I piloted was a Piper Tomahawk-very scary plane- ...then I got my private pilot license at E.R.A.U...now I fly kweler planes. And of Course my favorite movie is ToP GuN!!! Dammm I love that movie! GreatBalls of Fire!!!

For my sportbike racing career aka Roadracing...I've been racing since 1994 on the Southwest CCS (Championship Cup Series) with my comp #128 (1= I, 2= am, 8= adorable). My Formula USA Comp# is 769... yup the lucky "7" with a 69er tagged at the end!

A spy shot of my old race~bike in the sugarcane field roads of waialua...
I don't race my '87 GSXRr anymore. I just keep it displayed in my house...or I take it on my Sunday Rides... cruising towards those Hawaiian Sunset! OUCH!*@#$?

I wanna say HI to my fellow ERAU Alumni ~Mark Miller~ Hey! Mark... you are truely the fastest guy on "White Spar Road!" Have fun retiring from our great sport of...Road Road Racing! From CCS, Formula USA, and AMA... we will miss you Mark from the sport.

Billy in @ction at Firebird International Raceway! Way back in 1994?!

Go WhItE SpAr RaCiNg!!!
Give shouts out to present an past TeamMates: Robb M, Thomas S., Mattman, Marcus, Tommy R., Justin and Stu-wey from Dewey!

Also so to one of my best~friends, team~mate, and partner in crime on the CCS circut race tracks..."ThE StUd"...FrAnK=KiMo=LaYaOeN Comp #143-I wanted that number- Remember we are the best of friends "off the track", but "on the track" its all about racing..okay?!

I just wanna say to ya partner..."Ride hard...Brake late...slide that rear..." Without you Kimo it would of been a boring drive to all those races and you inspire me to strive for the best out there on the race~tracks....friendz forever braddah!

The "BAD BOY" Room!

Hey look its Patty!

EnTeR ThE SpOrT~BiKe HeAvEn!


IsLaNd RaDiO


Ju§t me Billy.... just dragin' along, by my lone~some Go White Spar Racing!