updated 4/14/99
Not much today. New music on this page. More to come soon.


I have searched the net for more hours than I can count to try to find the best quality midis to add to my collection for your listening pleasure.  I have found that all of these midis sound their best when you use .  However, Beatnik only works with the netscape browser.  If you are using Explorer to view my page the sound quality will not be the same.  I hope you enjoy and if you have midis you would like to see here, let me know!

To save any of my midis, right click on the link and save to your own hard drive. If you
have any problems doing this please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to
assist you.  ENJOY!



All of the midis are believed to be public property. If you find one on my site that should not
be here, please notify me and I will gladly remove it immediately!