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Jeff Gordon Sucks
21698 people hate Jeff Gordon since he won the Winston Million!!!!
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Here are a few reasons why I think that Jeff Gordon sucks:
1. If he doesn't have his way, he whines about it - listen to this wav. (144k) - its hilarious.
2. He is the only Chevy that can even come close to winning
3. He is too aggressive of a driver - he has wrecked more than a few of the other cars - did you see the Oct.12 race?? He started a crash that involved 21 cars...including the #2 and #3 cars competing in the points race for the Winston Cup - Martin and Jarrett!!
4. He is Heavily favored by NASCAR - pay attention the next time you see a commercial for Nascar - check out how many times Gordon appears vs. how many times other drivers appear - another example of the favoratism is the new NASCAR MonopolyŽ game...Guess which company is on Boardwalk????
Please return to my page from time to time to see the updates I've made - the more hits I get, the more stuff I can put on this page and the bigger it will get!!
If you have any comments, suggestions, pics - Any kind of Anti-Gordon stuff - E-MAIL me!!