I purchased my 86 1/2 NA Supra during the summer of 1995. In September of 1997, I discovered that my past overheating problems had been the result of a defective headgasket. Upon this discovery, I took it upon myself to correct the problem. This is my web page, and this is my advice. Feel free to browse my pages, register your headgasket, and comment on what you see. Be advised, replacing the headgasket yourself is time consuming and moderately difficult. If accepting the challenge to attempt your own repair causes you to become nervous, its a good sign that you will be meticulous enough to read and learn more before forging ahead.
I was able to rebuild the top half of my engine using only hand tools, so you too can accomplish this task. Altogether, I saved over $1000, and had a wonderful time learning about my car and the engineering behind its design. Having completed the task, I have already helped several other Supra owners replace their headgaskets and I'll be happy to help anyone else too. These pages contain detailed information, so I only ask that you read carefully before you begin asking questions. Thanks, and drop by often.
Please note, I've just purchased a 1998 NA Supra! While I suspect I'll not have any trouble for some time to come, I assure you that future modifications will be posted as they are completed.
Register your defective headgasket