Dave's Performance Page


Dave's Performance Page is a directory of performance pages that lean toward Japanese and European vehicles. I am always adding new links to other pages throughout the world, if you find or have a performance oriented page please email your submission to Dave_kim@geocities.com. Enjoy your stay.


Audi of America, Inc. Home Page

Audi - Kundeninformation

Audi Sport


BMW Automobile Enthusiast Page

BMW Automobile Information (North American)

BMW Car Club of America

BMW Clubs Australia

BMW Home Page

Golden Gate Chapter BMW CCA

M50TU Info Sheet

BMW Mailing List: An e-mail list which deals exclusively with BMW cars. To subscribe, send mail to :bmw-digest-request@lists.balltown.cma.com
Put the word subscribe in the text body, do not include any other text.


The Fiat Page
"Model Identification, Parts Substitution area, PBS Engineering: FIAT Performance Information, Enter the Fiat Page Interactive Forum,Index of Ricambi Dealers in the U.S.,The Special Projects Area"


1985 Honda CRX Home Page

1997 Honda Prelude Performance Page

3rd Generation Prelude Page

Acura 2C's Homepage

Acura Integra Home Page

Acura NSX Home Page

Acura NSX Page/Cars and Driving

AG Performance: Honda Accord Page
"Performance information and custom picture gallery for the 5th generation Accords"

Canadian Honda Civic Page

Chris Capowski's Honda Civic Performance Homepage

Chuck's Honda Power Page
"Info on products that are used on Chuck's 92 Civic. Everything from the tint job to the performance parts."

Dee's CRX Page

Gordon's Unofficial Honda Accord Homepage
"This page is devoted to describing the stock Accord, as well as feature modifications that can be done with Accords. Pictures of Accords (submitted by viewers of this page) are also available. Check it out. "

Got Rice?
"The Acura Integra GS-R. The ultimate Rice Burner. Welcome to got rice? This is all about my little Rice Burner, the Acura Integra GS-R."

Honda Accord Homepage

Honda of Cyber Business Park

CRX guy's Honda Performance Home Page

Honda Civic Home Page
Good general information about Civics.

HorizonBoyz Homepage

Jim Froumis' Prelude Page

My Accord Home Page

NSX Homepage

Rob's Smokin' CRX

Scott's Honda/Acura Homepage

Honda Mailing List: send email to: Listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
with SUB HONDA-L Your Name (make sure to put your name in two words rather than your email address)
The Honda Performance List: To subscribe, send mail to:
listproc@ripken.oit.unc.edu with the following by itself in the body of the message: subscribe honda-perf "your name here".


Shuji Oshiro's Asso di Fiori Okinawa O Page

"Welcome to yet another page dedicated to the Isuzu Impulse. There was really nothing about these cars anywhere - but things have changed. Now, to keep them going, YOU need to tell us more, get vocal, and make waves. This is a killer car and it needs to be recognized by the world. The only way that will happen is through common interest and the Voice of the Masses!"

Isuzu Automotive Performance Tuning Homepage
Probably the only known source for information on tuning, hotroding, modifying, and customizing Isuzu automobiles.

Isuzu Fan Club

Isuzu Gemini

Isuzu Gemini Site

Lyle'z Planet Isuzu

My (Isuzu) Car Page

Piazza for Connoiseur

The Isuzu Owners Web Site
"Welcome! This page has been set up to provide Isuzu owners and enthusiasts with information, tidbits and pictures of the most exciting line of vehicles available for those of us who have no use for Hondas."

The RS Interest Home Page
"This site is intended to be an information repository for those interested in the Isuzu Impulse RS AWD Turbo."

Thomas Wolfe's Page
"It's 1.6 liter engine was a first for Isuzu, and at 125hp it was (and remains) a very quick ride. During the IMark's early design stages, Lotus engineers were drafted and devised a suspension system unrivaled by other sport compacts."


The Maserati Pages
"MASERATINET is the home page of Maserati Club International, world's largest Maserati club, MIE Corporation, specializing in Maserati parts, and the Concours Italiano, an event featuring over 400 Italian automobiles. "


HiRPM's Home Page
Mazda rotary information, pictures, animations, sounds.

John's RX-7 Page

Mark's Mazda 323 Page

Mazmart, Inc.
A place to find used parts for you late model Mazda.

Mazda Miata Home Page

Mazda Miata Roadster 1992

Mazda Miata Roadster 1993

Mazda MX-5 Miata Roadster 1995

RX-7 Heaven
"This page is dedicated to the marvelous Mazda RX-7. Within this page lies other great links, pictures and biographies of my and others RX-7's, and technical information on all years of RX-7's."

TeamFC3S TurboII Performance Page
"This page is dedicated to the Mazda RX-7 Turbo II and the eternal quest for more power and speed. Although the 2nd generation models are considered the least elemental of the RX-7 models, it still offers amazing performance and bang for the buck. These pages are for those chosen few that still find the pleasure in driving the least expensive and most reliable Turbo Rotary made to date."

The Mazda Club Home Page

The Mazda MX6 and Ford Probe Performance Page


The NKT Auto Gallery
"Numerous pics of my modified MB 190 (will probably be updated soon), as well as pictures of many other cars from Aston Martin, to Ferrari, to Cizeta. Included also are many links to official manufacturer's websites."


DSM Car Lovers
"A page dedicated to making DSMs (Eclipses\Talons) go faster."

Mitsubishi 3000GT/Dodge Stealth Information
Information about both the Stealth and 3000GT, specs, maintenance, and mods.

Talon/Eclipse/Laser Pages
All kinds of great info on the DSM cars.

The (soon to be) Ultimate Conquest and Starion Page


200SX Page


The 300ZX Board!
Search through 300ZX messages.

300ZX Page
Information about the first generation of the 300ZX.

300ZX & Z Car Forum
"This site is meant to be an open discussion of Datsun/Nissan Z car's for all enthusiasts(Any year model Z car). You are welcome to ask questions, post items for sale, basically anything pertaining to the Z car."

Autech Japan Primavera

Datsuns Home Page

The Original 200SX SE-R Homepage

Five and Dime, Land O' Links
"What's a Dime you ask... Dime is slang for 510, as in Datsun 510, the ever popular small car from Japan. No they don't make them anymore, but then that's why we love them so. Hence the name, Five and Dime, 510, 5-10, and there's nothing like being nickle and dimed by a 25+ year old car." Collection of Datsun Links and 510 photos.

Maxima Owners and Enthusiasts Page

Maximum Velocity
"Salutations fellow surfer to the Maximum Velocity web site; dedicated to sharing, promoting, and eliciting our enthusiasm for the <Picture>Nissan Maxima, the world's fastest, naturally aspirated sports sedan under $30K."

Nico the SE-R
"Nico is a 1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R, purchased new, modified for roadracing. She is also street-legal." Information on TSBs, some good "what if" pictures of different aftermarket rims on the SE-R.

Nissan Australia

Nissan Maxima SE Homepage

No Shimpai's Garage!

Project: SE-R

Randy's SE-R Page

Skyline GT-R Register
"This site is a celebration of everything you'll want or need to know about this super high tech., 4WDrive, 4WSteer, twin turbo, mega chipped car."

SR20DE.net Drag Day!
"So here's what happened. We all arrived at different times, I got there around Ten and almost everybody was already there. Ken Pratte showed up at about 10:30, and Aaron and George both got there a bit after that. Chris had gotten some runs in..."

SR20DE Info Sheet (Sentra SE-R, NX2000, 200SX SE-R, Infiniti G20)
One of the best places on the Internet for finding out all about your SR20DE. Almost everything you ever wanted to know, at least until my next update. This page helps cut through the b.s. on tuning your SR20.

The Pulsar SSS

The Compass, Nissan's Home Page

The SE-R FAQ and Aftermarket Primer

The SE-R Home Page

The Ultimate Nissan Sentra & Ford Probe Page

Skyline GT-R

"THE Source For Internet Z Car Information."

SE-R Mailing List (200SX,Sentra,NX2000,G20): send email to: majordomo@deskmedia.com with: subscribe se-r-reflective, as the body of the email.


Peugeot Resources


Porsching by Chris Welty

Porsche Museum


the SAAB page
The SAAB Network mailing list: send email to:
saab@warp.org with the work "subscribe" in the subject line.

The Saab Network

"Since March 9th, 1996 Turbo! has been providing a fast email list supporting Saab automobiles. The Turbo! website came online shortly after that. Welcome and Enjoy! "


Subaru Impreza WRX


Automotive main page - mainly Toyota

Supras Home Page
Three generations of Supras are covered here along with member car pages, owners database, and other links.

Supra Owners Network In Canada
"SONIC is as a non-profit Car Club, its purpose is to help Supra owners with technical assistance, and preventative service procedures, and also allow owners to receive discounts on parts and service at authorized Toyota dealers and other vendors around the continent. Today SONIC has hundreds of members world wide."

The Celica Site
"The main purpose of this site is to share the information about "old" ;-) Celicas which I could neither find anywhere on the Internet nor in my user manual. I hope to share all the advises I've got about boosting the car's performance, but I'm new to this stuff, so I will be mainly quoting someone."

The Toyota Performance Page

Toyota MR2 WWW Archive

Yoshi's Home
"This page is dedicated to the Toyota Celica and Supra, with emphasis on 1985 and earlier models. Celica/Supra history, performance modifications, and general info are available, as well as a photo gallery of great Toyota's from around the world."


Canadian Region VW GTI Web Site
"The GTI Club of North America is just starting to form!"

J Welty's Watercooled VW Page

The Ultimate Corrado Page

Unofficial GTI VR6 Home Page
"Finally, a place where all GTI VR6 owners (and wannabee owners) can find all the net.wisdom about their beloved cars."

Volkswagen Home Page
The official VW page. Take a look at the Museum of VW History, Technology Center, Research Center and more.

VW FAQs and Archives

VW Pix


A Home Page for the VOLVO Purist!

"ipd is a catalog mail order company specializing in performance parts and accessories for all Volvo automobiles. ipd offers the worlds largest selection of Volvo performance parts and accessories including safety, convenience, maintenance and just about anything else you could want for your 1962 to 1998 Volvo" Yeah, I know they should go under Dealers, but ipd is about the only place to go for the Volvo aftermarket. Besides I have a soft spot for Volvos since it was my first "real" car, a 1974 164e.

North American Volvo Home Page

Sweden Volvo Home Page

The Volvo WWW Page of Riku Pirhonen

Clubs, Teams, and Sport Groups

AG Performance
"East coast NY/NJ import team featuring high performance BMW's and Honda's. Performance FAQ's, how to's and modification info with a custom import picture gallery."

Atlantic Autosports Home Page
"Atlantic Autosports, the East Coast's newest and most exciting sport compact car club, was established in the spring of 1994 with our First Chapter based in Beltsville, MD.  Atlantic Autosports has since expanded to include our Second Chapter based in Roanoke, VA, and a Third Chapter based in Harrisburg, PA.  Our purpose is to provide "performance-minded" import car enthusiasts an opportunity to enjoy their autos to the max!!"

Redline Racing
"One of Washington's prestigous race teams."

Rhino Boy
"The Rhino boy racing team has been competing in the Sports Car Club of America's National Showroom Stock racing series since 1992. Campaigning out of the tough Central Division, the team races a schedule that covers some six tracks in five states. The 1996 season is underway with a new twist as the team borrowed an SCCA Spec Racer. Check the Photo Gallery for a picture of the orange beast."

Stock Options
" The club was started in October of 1993 and has been steadily growing. The club currently has over 34 members; this includes many Hondas, Acuras, and Fords."


TeamFC3S Turbo II Performance Page
"This page is dedicated to the Mazda RX-7 Turbo II and the eternal quest for more power and speed. Although the 2nd generation models are considered the least elemental of the RX-7 models, it still offers amazing performance and bang for the buck."

The United Budda Clan
"Our site deals with all the Import Car racers on the West coast..whether if your are just browsing for new pictures or trying to find a new aftermarket dealer. We also introduce new trends and fads that show up on the streets."

Z. Team YOSSi's Internet Garage
"Z.TEAM YOSSi is an Import Racing Team located in the East and North Bay, the 510 and 707. Ridin' from Santa Rosa, down to Concord, through Oakland and to the Frisco City."

General Performance

Automotive Programs by Bowling
Links are to several interactive automotive programs developed and implemented by Bruce Bowling. A great set of programs.

Do-It-Yourself Electronic Fuel Injection
This is a WWW home page for the Do-It-Yourself Electronic Fuel Injection mailing-list.

Dynojet Research Online
"Find a Dynojet center near you, products, background, tech support, general info. "

Hillclimb HomePage
All about Hillclimb racing, schedules, course maps, results, event information, standings, etc.

Index of Current Gasoline FAQs

The WWW Speedtrap Registry

SCCA Sports Car Club of America

"Driving abroad ? The perils and pitfalls of taking your car to foreign climes. Passion Wagons - What you've been up to in the back seat. Plus the Vitesse countdown to the number one choice for in car nookie!"

Other Performance Points of Interest

Car and Driver Magazine

CEC Wheel Machine
Find your vehicle then click to see what different rims would like when installed.

Highway 17 Page of Shame
"This page was born out my frustration of seeing the world's worst drivers during my morning commute and not being able to actually reach out and "educate" them. Hopefully, one of those bad drivers will surf on over to this page, see a picture of their car and a description of their awful driving, then change their wicked ways. Even if that noble goal isn't met, I'll still be able to vent my spleen on a daily basis." I love it!

Ichiban Motorsports

Import Auto Racers' Gallery
"A photo collection of import auto performance cars."

Import Enthusiasts Home Page
"I am creating this page exclusively for Honda, Acura, Nissan, and Toyota owners."

Import Motorsports Online!
"Import Motorsports Online is an attempt at providing an Internet online presence to the world of import motorsports, its recent popularity boom, including performance racing, show modifications, and whatever else applies. We also have capabilities to put your motorsports organization online, whether its a performance tuning shop, a race crew, or an event that you are hosting. Stop by and give our site a tour!"

The Import Performance and Sports Compact Cars Photo Gallery

Import Racing Xtasy

Imports Showcase

Import Speed Gallery

Jack's Imports Cars Home Page
"If you love high performance import cars, then you got to come in my page, I got a lot of pictures from the Imports Showoff '96, if you missed the show, then you should come on in. "

Japanese Sports Car Page
Covers all the major Japanese manufacturers, excellent layout, quick loading, check it out!.

Juanderful 300ZX, Performance & Auto Links
"The Ultimate Auto Performance Link Page!"

K Performance
"K Performance: a web page dedicated to the auto enthusiast. Details on suspension, normally aspirated engines, suggested driving techniques. Import or Domestic. Ferrari to Yugo all your performance questions can be solved here!"

Mach 5
A collection of import racing cars and a show car.

Mark's Modified Motoring Guide!

Mark's Performance Car Gallery

Modern Performance
"Welcome to Modern Performance. This page is devoted to the love of SPEED. This page contains cars that are totally stock as well as cars that have been heavily modified/customized."

Motor Madness

Motorsport News International

Nippon Kuruma - KAGE's Japanese Sports Cars

Northern California's Import Racing Page
"It is dedicated to Import Racing...and mostly info on racing in Northern California..."

Seatown Ridez
A collection of import owners pictures.

SFMarkCal's Home Page
"This page has a plethora of Honda & VW pics gathered throughout the net. This page also has info on aftermarket performance products and light alloy wheels. Feel free to look around and tell me what you think!"

ShowCar Home Page

Special Car Journal Homepage
"An online Car Magazine dedicated to Exotic, Sports and Vintage cars."

Tekneeks Home Page

The Auto Channel
Car Reviews, Live video feeds, coverage of automotive events, plus more. Looks like a cool place.

TMC Publications Automobile Literature
"Completely Original Automobile Manuals, Shop Manuals, Owners Manuals, Parts Manuals, Wiring Manuals and Sales Brochures"

Top Gear Magazine
"Site of the UK's top-selling motoring monthly"

Tuning Concept Internet Edition
"Informative Homepage for any car enthusiasts. An Internet Edition for a freely distributed publication in the S.F. Bay Area."

Turbo & Hi-Tech Performance Magazine


Yoav's Car Connection
Browse around to find out the latest about all the new cars, magazines, kit cars, performance sites, racing, and other most excellent related links.

Z Car Magazine Homepage

DealerNet - The Virtual Showroom
Now that you know what's available once you own a car, find out where to buy it.

"DealerWeb is the UK's most comprehensive site for car dealers. With over 6,000 automotive dealers already listed we are able to provide detailed contact information for everything from franchised dealerships to kit car manufacturers."

Manufacturers of performance parts

Clutchnet Corporation
"We can make a Clutch Disc for virtually any CAR IN THE WORLD, from A to Z!"

CMW Racing Homepage
"CMW Racing, home of the largest flat six engine for Porsches (4022 cubic centimeters)! CMW Racing is also known for producing engine components for Porsches such as billet heads, valves, springs, "holey" retainers and more! Lately we have perfected our Four-Liter Conversion for the "flat six" engine. CMW also designs and produces customized engine components for engines other than Porsche, and in such specialized applications as NASCAR and Top Fuel Funny Cars. Our web site has been designed for you to find out the details of our products, as well as to see and hear the difference CMW's quaility makes in Porsche engines. "

Dimensione Sport
"DIMENSIONE SPORT è un'azienda nata dalla passione per le automobili e le competizioni, i cui fondatori giungono da precedenti esperienze lavorative nel campo dell'automazione industriale, della programmazione e manutenzione di elaboratori, dell'organizzazione e della gestione commerciale di aziende operanti nel settore automobilistico. L'organico è costituito da un affiatato gruppo di otto persone, che ha già proposto interessanti novità nell'elettronica applicata ai veicoli." (as soon as they send me some english I will put it here too)

HKS Performance Products, HKS USA, Inc.
For over 20 years, HKS has been committed to giving your vehicle the well integrated, reliable and environmentally sound performance it deserves. Applications for Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota are available. Vehicle Upgrade Charts.

Hot Lap In-Car Timing System
"The Hot Lap In-Car Timing System is the industry leader for in-car lap timers. Our coded infrared technology provides drivers with real time information without the use of a stopwatch and pit board. Thousands of our systems are installed on sports cars, stock cars, go karts, motorcycles, sprint cars, super modifieds, snowmobiles, and more."

Jim Wolf Technology
300ZX Twin Turbo upgrades, Custom ECU modifications, Custom racing applications, Custom turbo applications for Nissans. Parts for the SE-R, NX2000, 200SX, 240SX 240Z, 300ZX, Pathfinder.

Malvern Racing
"Malvern Racing, Inc. was started in 1976 by David Weber as a racing parts business specializing in Nissan race engines and sports cars. Parts were designed and developed to solve the real world race problems that were encountered by Malvern Racing's own competition efforts. Beginning in 1978, Malvern expanded into components that would serve all forms of motorsports including road racing, stock car, drag, and hydroplane racing.

Microlon Metal Treatment
"Microlon Metal Treatment, the engine treatment used by professionals, is now available to the general public."

MKMS - The Air Bath Passive Air System
"The Air Bath, designed by MidKnight Motorsport, is a revolutionary ram air system that enhances many aftermarket high performance air filters currently used by sports car enthusiasts such as yourself. The equation for increasing engine performance from the intake is low restriction filtration + cool air . The automotive aftermarket has already provided the first part of the power equation with low restriction filters that replace the stock air box. The Air Bath, which is designed to work with conical low restriction aftermarket filters, provides the cool air which completes the equation.

NR Automobile Accessories
"NR Automobile Accessories specializes in colored face gauge dials for your vehicle. We are now in our 12th year of providing superior quality, service and knowledge to our constantly-growing circle of satisfied customers. Each year we continue to search for the unique and in-demand items you expect and have come to depend on. Because we are a manufacturer as well as a distributor of many lines, we can offer you the best quality products at competitive prices with special attention to fit and finish of all our aerodynamic body kits. If there is an item that you are looking for and don't see it here, please ask us. We may be able to locate it for you."

SMC Products
Kwik Shift adjustable short shifters for Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, and others. Custom PVC covered stainless steel braided brake hoses in various colors for Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota.

Independant dealers of performance parts

If you need to find that special product or item take a gander at the list below. If you want to add your link please send some email to drwho@connectnet.com.

Pan Motorsport
Pan is a company looking to do worldwide business as either a retailer or wholesaler. Professional, friendly attitudes compliment a huge assortment of import performance products.

A&H Motorsport-Honda & Acura Specialists
"A&H Motorsport Specializes In Parts, Accessories And Service For All Years And Models Of Honda Or Acura Automobiles." We Ship Our Product World Wide And Sell Many Products Wholesale To The Public.

AMSOIL (Independent Dealer)
"The Largest Selection Of Synthetic Lubricants In The World! AMSOIL The First A.P.I. Approved 10W-40 100% Synthetic Oil in 1972"

ARC Performance
"Automotive performance parts at competitive prices. Offering products from Neuspeed/APS,Autobahn designs, Konig/Dial, DC Sports, Techtonics Tuning, BBS, Racing Hart Eibach, Hella, and other aftermarket manufactures. Serving the Volkswagen and Honda / Acura enthusiast."

Asian Performance
"Asian Performance, backed by years of tuning experience, is dedicated to bringing new levels of driving pleasure to our customers. We carry a full assortment of performance enhancing parts and also offer expert tuning and installation. Although the specialties of the house are Nissans and Hondas, our piston-pounding megalomania doesn't stop there."

Bay Car Stereo and Accessories
"We specialize in Japanese and European performance and accessory products. We carry: DC Sports, Eibach, HKS, Greddy/Trust, Tokico, Momo, Piaa and others."

Bekkers Import Corporation
Aftermarket BMW Parts

BMP Design
Aftermarket BMW Parts

Diamond Star Specialties -- Talon/Eclipse/Laser/Mitsubishi
Performace items for Eclipse.Talon/Laser, 3000GT/Stealth, Conquest/Starion

Dynamic Autosports

Erebuni Corp.
"We have been in the forefront of the automotive accesories industry with innovative ideas for almost two decades. Now we are pleased to present our full range of products on the Internet."

Fast as Knutz Motorsports
"Business Description: We carry such brand names as Neuspeed, Greddy, Lightspeed, RS Akimoto, MOMO, Bosal, Catz lighting, DC Sports, Superchips, B&B, Eibach, Dynomax and more. We will soon be able to bring you products by Z Speed, Gude, Mugen to name a few."

Honda Parts dot com
"Wholesale Factory Honda Parts And Accesories"

HotShot Performance
Custom mandrel bent header, exhaust, and turbo plumbing system prototyping, for ALL imports.

Auto HTA Inc.
The first complete performance and OEM solution on canadian internet !!!

Impact Parts

ipd Home Page
"ipd is a catalog mail order company specializing in performance parts and accessories for Volvos including the 850 and new C70, S70 and V70 models. We offer the worlds largest selection of Volvo performance parts and accessories including safety, convenience, maintenance and just about anything else you could want for your 1962 to 1998 Volvo.  In our web site you'll find articles by Volvo owners on technical, maintenance, how to and performance topics along with links to other Volvo related sites and resources."

Jackson Racing
Since 1973 JR has been tuning and racing Hondas, they are very much a part of the Honda performance scene.

M Roadster Performance
"Welcome to M Roadster Performance, the Web's premier Internet Miata performance parts catalog. Our goal is to provide quality service and parts, for the Miata enthusiast. You are welcome to browse the pages for various performance and appearance items and if you have technical questions, we'll be happy to answer them."

Mac Car Motosport
"Mac Car Motorsports is an auto-performance store that will satisfy all your needs about automobiles. We carry all kinds of performance products including big brands like Greddy, HKS, RS*R, Neuspeed, Koni, Eibach, and many others. In addition, we also sell lights and many electronic performance parts that will make your car perform better."

Matrix Performance

Maxspeed Motorsports

"RX-7 and Rotary Engine ONLY."

Mesa Performance Parts
"We specialize in parts and accessories for BMW and Porsche, and have items for Mercedes available."

Metro Motorworks
"Metro Motorworks is a sport compact car performance company, located in Columbia, MD. We primarily work on import sport compact cars. Please stop by our web page and see what we are able to do to increase the performance of your car!"

Midwest Engine Sales Inc
"Used Japanese Engines & Transmissions Are Our Speciality". If wanted to try and upgrade your Import with a different engine maybe these guys can help.

"Welcome to MODACAR Auto Accessories, Your "Bolt On Performance" Headquarters!!!!"

Motorsport-1 : Extreme Automotive Accessories
"Motorsport-1 was established in 1990. Our objective: to satisfy the most discriminating automotive enthusiast by delivering the most innovative, highest quality automotive accessories and prompt, personal, professional service."

Motorsport Dynamics
"Automotive and Motorcycle Performance Parts and Service,**Performance Accessories** Roadrace, Autocross and Safety Equipment** **High Flow turbo Upgrades and Rebuilds**Personal Consultation and Support**,**Expert Installation**Now Featuring Motorcycle Accessories and Leather** "

Nexus Racing Home Page
"Nexus Racing is a Calgary based retailer for automotive performance parts. We carry performance upgrades for many Japanese and European import cars. Our wide selection of brand names includes everything from Kamei headlight covers and ARC air filters to Trust race exhausts and DRAG turbo kits."

NuImage Autosports
Welcome to NuImage Autosports Home Page. NuImage offers many aftermarket products for your Import (specializing in Honda/Acura).

Precision Import Products
"Precision Import Products specializes in providing the highest quality parts available for all import vehicles."

Pro Store ZAP Inc.
"Pro-Store specializes in Turbo Performance. We have built some of the most reliable and powerfull Turbo cars on the Road! We would be happy to sit and talk with you about your HP goals and come up with a Package to meet your needs as well as Budget!"

Revsports Street Performance
"Revsports is an import motorsport company located in Santa Rosa, CA that specializes in aftermarket products and installation for Honda, Acura, VW and other imports. Revsports is an authorized dealer of Weapon R products, and is a distributor of almost anything you can think of; If you want it, Revsports can get it. "

Robocar Motorsports
"Robocar Motorsports is the one stop shop for all your performance needs.Robocar is the one stop shop for all your performance needs. We stock performance parts for most import automobiles. Robocar offers professional installation of products by MECP certified mechanics. Please feel free to check out what Robocar has to offer for your car today. Stop by to browse the showroom, audio room, and our car of the month room."

RPS Turbo Clutch

Speedster Racing

"Specialists in Turbocharging, Nitrous Oxide and other Performance Products."

THE SOURCE: Motorsport Accessories from Eurosport
"The SOURCE is the new mail-order division of Eurosport Inc. , a Hawaii Corporation established in 1988. Having close relationships with Japan, Eurosport has been instrumental in bringing THE LOOK to sport compacts in Hawaii, long before it became the trend in the Mainland U.S. Being close to the retail customer has helped Eurosport to recognize a need for a better and wider supply line to the mainland customer for Japan products. Thus the SOURCE was created. The SOURCE is your pipeline to high quality Japan wheels and accessories."

Performance parts for Nissans and other Imports

Turner Motosport
"Turner Motorsport provides BMW enthusiasts around the world with Ultra High Performance BMW Accessories and OEM replacement parts at reasonable prices."


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