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Jimmy Johnson - WHINER #2

Will the whiner's never cease?

Make sure to visit the photos page

Jeff Gordon and ex-wife BrookeSorry - I don't have time to update this weekly - or even monthly - like I used to, but I'll do what I can when I can. Ahh, for those of you so articulate in the guestbook, I DO have a life and job, do you? Thanks to all who leave civil comments in the guestbook! Those of you who can't write more than 3 words should buy a dictionary. Can you spell "Duh"?

This sites content is meant to entertain - can you say parody? Unless, of course, you're a #24 Gordon or #48 Johnson sympathizer, oops, I mean "fan". Some material may not be suitable for minors(PG13-no nudity), although most content can be enjoyed by all ages. Thanks for visiting my site! For all you whiner fans new to the #1 sport, I followed NASCAR before NASCAR was cool.

One reason why we don't like Jeffy - thanks to C Swager in CA, #115 in the Guestbook. Comments: "Jeff Gordon is such a big man that he cannot accomodate his fans. A little girl wants her leather jacket signed & he can't be bothered." These are the types of things that NASCAR was NOT built around.

Tell NASCAR it's time to stop coddling Jeffy - I did!
Send E-mail to: fanfeedback@nascar.com
or write to:
P.O. Box 2875
Daytona Beach, FL 32120

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This site is in NO WAY affiliated with or endorsed by NASCAR, Jeff Gordon, Dupont, Pepsi, or Hendrick Motorsports. It is intended as a parody of Jeff Gordon (and recently Jimmy Johnson). Links and other information are provided for informational purposes only. Trademarks, Logos, Names & Likenesses are the property of their respective owners. All Copyrights are held and enforced by their respective owners. Fritos is a trademark used by Frito-Lay, Inc.

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