Hi, I'm Vette69 also known as Peter D.
I signed up on 07/29/97 06:40:47.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and a Corvette owner. I was born and raised in the Bronx, NY and now reside in Connecticut. Married (37 years), I have a wonderful wife Carol and 3 terrific sons (Chris, Gregg, and Scott). I also have 2 great daughters-in-law (Jennifer and Nancy), 2 grandsons (Ryan and Nicholas)and 1 granddaughter (Catelyn). My interests are cars, computers and music (mainly 50's and 60's but I enjoy all kinds). I have worked in the computer field for over 30 years (since I was discharged from the army). Family pictures, car and music links can all be found on these pages. Enjoy, and be sure to leave me a message of your visit.
Also visit my Main homepage photos at:
VetVette Homepage
D'Amato Family History photos are at:
D'Amato Family History
D'Amato Photo Gallery is here:
D'Amato Photo Gallery
Links to photos of the grandkids can also be found on the main page.
Here are some recent family photos (some really old photos are at bottom).....
Ryans 1st steps...and he's off!
Other photos....
Bronx Babes 2002 version...friends for life
Pete's graduation at Laurentano's in the Bronx. Recognize anyone?
Below are Nick and Rose (dad and mom) relaxing at Mike and Gina's place in Rockland. Why does mom have her coat on????
Below is an old photo of Nick's brother Vince (called Whitey by everyone). Location of photo is unknown.
Links follow:
Billboard Albums
Billboard Singles
Corvettes Materials
Vietnam Veterans Wall
The Wall
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Created by Pete D'Amato - vette69@geocities.com
Revised: Sept 08, 2003 new email address
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