The Even Newer and More Improved *
Dave Browne's Motorcycle
Home Page
and Fantasy Image Gallery
Please click here
and read before browsing website
Click here
to have a look at my new fantasy image gallery (currently under
Greetings, fellow two wheeled hooligans. By an amazing stroke of good fortune, you have happened upon the greatest motorcycle web site in the entire known universe. In case you are wondering how I know this, it's because I have been to nearly all of them. I must also congratulate the referring page on showing truly excellent taste in providing a link to my page.
My name is Dave Browne and I live in Melbourne, Australia, one of the world's greatest cities. Click here to see a great picture of the City of Melbourne.
If you are mad enough to want to see a photo
of me, then apart from making an appointment with a registered
psychologist, you might like to click here.
When I bother to finish it, this page will be mainly concerned with motorbikes, especially open class sports bikes, such as the photo of my last open class bike, the all conquering (at least in my mind) Yamaha YZF1000R, shown above parked tastefully on the nice green grass outside Parliament House in Canberra.
Click here to see an update to some
of the motor vehicles I have owned.
Click here to read some new and
exciting ways to learn about your motor vehicle by crashing it.
Click here to see some more really
truly excellent motorbike pictures and links.
Click here to read the beginnings of
my really truly excellent humour collection.
In the meantime, if you can be bothered, you
can email me at
If you come back soon and visit this site, you could win up to** US$1,000,000.
You were visitor number ... AS IF!
You were actually lucky visitor number .
And here's one last gratuitous animated GIF
for your amusement ...
* Exactly how this page is
'New and Improved' is difficult to determine with any degree of
certainty. I personally believe that it is the best home page in
existence, but if you don't, then of course you are entitled to
your own beliefs, however incorrect they may be.
** This statement is of course completely meaningless, as the
expression 'up to' clearly includes the number zero. If you do
happen to win a large amount of money, it is likely to be
completely unrelated to anything on this page, and apart from
giving some of it to me, you should also expect me to take all
the credit for your win.
*** I can't imagine anyone actually reading anything this small,
so I feel safe revealing that JFK was really shot by ... Lee
Harvey Oswald. But you already knew that, didn't you. How much
useful information did you really expect to get from a crappy
home page that is provided (at no charge) for hacks like me?
All pages and contents (c)opyright 1997-98 David Browne.