ZanderNET Enterteinment
SELECT YOUR SERVER: ZanderNET: server1 (USA) | ZanderNET Europe: server2 (Europe) | Briganti: server1 / server2
ZanderNET (english, spanish, italian) mainly contains hyper-textual stories, fantasies, motorcycle stuff, curiosities, useful links and downloadable utilities for students. ZanderNET Europe (english, italian) is the brend new product by ZanderNET Enterteinment. It's based on ZanderNET (USA), though complitely different, featuring among the other a fully B&W picture gallery. Briganti (italiano) č il nuovo sito del Gruppo Motociclistico "I Briganti". Contiene una descrizione del gruppo, i soci, gli amici, le attivitā, link motociclistici, curiositā e altro ancora.
Note: server1 best for US (Yahoo!-Geocities), server2 best for Europe (Tiscali Free Net) - 04/01/00 11.37.49