Welcome to the VROOM Home Site. What is Vroom you ask? It stands for Victoria Riders On Outrageous Motorcycles. We are a group of sport bike enthusiasts who live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
The members of VROOM are dedicated to pushing the limits of sportbike "hooliganism", tricks, stunts, and of course, our riding skills. Sure, there are better, crazier, and more accomplished riders out there, but we sure have a hell of a good time. And besides, our secret goal is to aspire to be the Canadian version of Las Vegas Extremes (see link page for their site!)
Within these pages you'll find pictures, notes, and a few other surprises for your viewing pleasure. Note: If you have any questions of comments about Victoria BC or plan on coming and visiting our fine city, drop us a line and we will do our best to show you a great time.
Carpe Diem and Rubber side down...
The Vroom page is about to go under the knife so to speak. We will be adding the movie files shortly, new links, pictures, and info. Also, we now have our own domain name, so you can find us a wee bit easier now. www.vroomcrew.com Please email me with questions and comment about the page. cheers Flash