Hi, I am J.D. Hogg and welcome to my Dukes of Hazzard Home Page.

No, the real Jefferson Davis Hogg was played by Sorrell Booke who passed away on Febuary 11, 1994 after a battle with cancer.  Jesse Duke was played by Denver Pyle who passed away on December 25, 1997 after a long battle with lung cancer. The balladeer was played by Waylon Jennings who passed away February 13, 2002 in his sleep. More on Jennings, click here
May they Rest In Peace.

You are No.since 9/21/99

Dukes of Hazzard Main Theme

I've decided to shut down this site. I can't do it anymore. The show is no longer on the air. I haven't seen the Dukes for awhile. Webmaster

This site will be deleted when I get around to it.

Here are some links to webrings with Dukes of Hazzard related content. No, I'm not a member of these rings.

The Dukes of Hazzard Webring - 55 site(s)
- The Dukes of Hazzard Webring contains numerous pages on the net dealing with the All-time greatest show on earth!!! If you have or know of a cool Dukes of Hazzard page that should be in The Dukes of Hazzard Webring, please contact me at: duke_lover@hotmail.com (http://www.hazzardonline.com)

The Dukes of Hazzard - 1 site(s)
Welcome to one of the newest dukes of hazzard webrings on the net today I hope you enjoy these websites that are goign to be listed on this soon.

The Rosco P. Coltrane Webring - 5 site(s)
- This ring is for fans of the show The Dukes of Hazzard, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, and actor James Best.

John Schneider's Musical Support Webring - 5 site(s)
- This webring is for anyone and everyone who supports John Schneider and his musical career, and not for those of us who are not Bo Duke fans. John needs all the support he can get so let's show him we're all behind him!

Dukes of Hazzard way point - 3 site(s)
The webring

Tom Wopat's Musical Support Webring - 6 site(s)
- This webring is for everyone who supports Tom Wopats music and the Plays he has been doing lately.

Dodge Charger WebRing - 1 site(s)
- The Dodge Charger WebRing has moved to the Dodge Charger Net Ring. This ring links web sites that have information pertaining to Dodge's best muscle car the Dodge Charger. The Net Ring has over 50 Dodge Charger sites Please click on one of the current sites to go to the new ring for more details.

Dukes of Hazzard End Theme

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