This site is Dedicated to Drag Racing in Ontario,
Canada in the 60's. Stop by often
as you will never know what you may see next.Updated August 6,2007

This is a picture of my Fiat taken by
Sam Axford at the St. Thomas Dragway '1966.

The 39 Fiat was built in London ,Ontario and owned by Roger Miller and Glen Gregory. It ran with a blown 265 chev motor with a 2-speed tranny. It won the U S Nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana in '66 and '67 and held the NHRA  BB/A record once.   It was sold and ran as a B/A car and converted to a street rod in 1970.In 1973 , it competed in the Canadian Street Rod Nationals and was voted ,Best  non-fendered, best engineered and best in the road course slalom event. In 2003, we decided to start racing the car at nostalgia events and the first race the car entered, it WON, (over 10 other nostalgia cars.)37 years after it's first National's win..And it happened on a Labour Day weekend.BUT, wait, there is more...continue on..

Do you want to be a part of the fastest growing segment of drag racing today? I belong to a group of racers known as the "Ontario Nostalgia Drag Racers" (ONDR). We are a group of racers, historians and just guys who love drag racing. The car on this page and many others can be seen racing at tracks in Ontario, and upper USA.For ONDR race results and further information contact or visit

Lots of changes in the Fiat in the winter of 2004. It had it's 1966 yellow paint and graphics along with a 400 inch Chevrolet with a 6-71 blower. This photo above was taken at the St Thomas Dragway,August 2005, by Chuck Corder. We unfortunately blew the 400 motor, and have since put in a 355 with a tunnel ram and two four barrel carbs.

© 1997

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Rick Proctor, it is illegal to use these photos
without permission

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