Par Raja (Paruvachi V. Raja)

I have been living in this area for since 1985. I have worked for G.M for several years.  Currently I am part of the DCX
system in Advance Navigation and Guidance. I have studied in INDIA, CANADA and U.S.A for B.E, M.S and Ph.D degrees respectively.  Published more than 10 papers in journals and conferences as a student Trained in GERMANY.  The picture on the left shows Saturn LS for which I was a project engineer/coordinator. It was designed in USA and GERMANY.

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My hobbies and interests include computer work, playing with kids, garden management, arts, music, sports, social work and participating in discussion groups. An avid reader and footbal, soccer, basketball, hockey and cricket fan. An world traveller who visited GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, FRANCE and ENGLAND in addition to USA, MEXICO and CANADA.  I am interested in social reforms.

I have a wife and a daughter.
We live in Novi, MI, U.S.A

I have a mom, dad, two brothers and one sister. I have a lot of cousins.  My father,Dr.P.A.Venkatachalam is the founder and first HOD of Computer Science Dept at Anna University, Guindy, Madras. He helped format CSE eudcation in South India. Mother is the daughter of Thyagi E.K. Ramasamy. Father-in-law is Mr. S.R. Rathinam, M.A., B.L

I have only a few but good friends.  A man without principles is a ship without a sailor. If you like my principles and  you want to be friend of mine, contact me by email at

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