Repair Don't Replace!
R&R Windshield Repair
309 Merchant St.
Oswego, Kansas 67356
Owner: Randy Ventle
Why Windshield Repair!
How Does It Work!
These are some commonly asked questions about Windshield Repair! R&R Windshield Repair is a Mobile Service, this means we do repairs at your location! The repair process restores the Structural Integrity of your windshield without replacement. We use the most Advanced Equipment available! We use the Highest Quality Resins available! This allows us to offer a Lifetime Warranty on all repairs! Specially Formulated Resins are injected into the repair area! These resins are Optically Matched to the glass. This increases the cosmetic appearance of the repair area 70%-90%! Call today for your Free Estimate!
E-Mail: yeller56@yahoo.com
What Will It Cost!
Most Insurance Companies waive deductables for Repair Over Replacement! We offer Free Estimates, and Free Claims Filing to all of our customers! This means you have very little Time, and No Money invested in your repair!
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