The greatest man I never knew, passed away.
He left us at his prime and at the top of his game. Doing, what others say was, "the thing he loved to do." This page is dedicated to what I loved to do. Watch Dale Earnhardt as he did what he did best! RACING!!! He raced each race like it was his last, it's sad, for me, that his last, came two days before my birthday!! I can remember the day he made my birthday the most awesome one I'd had in a long time.
It was the day he won the DAYTONA 500 in '98. A few days after he won that race his show car and hauler were at a dealership in Virginia where my wife had worked. I have alot of pictures of that day and I had the chance to get one of his tires that was run on his car during that DAYTONA 500. I don't know why I have a tire now, it seemed like a good thing when I got it, but now, it's just a tire. Memories have faded, the hurt doesn't hurt much anymore, and I rarely watch a full race when they are on.
The pages here are a place where I can display some of the things I enjoy the most, colecting DALE EARNHARDT diecast replicas, showing off my collection, and just messing around on the web. I have a pretty nice collection and I could probably safely say I have the largest racing diecast collection in Hawaii. Yes I currently live in Hawaii, have since December 2000. The weather is always great, the sun always shines, always except for the day my hero died!
It was a pretty bad day for me personally. I remember sitting on the edge of the bed, after the race, waiting for the news to announce that Dale was okay after that horrible wreck. Watching that helicopter fly off with Dale inside. I waited until Mike Helton came on and started telling the media about the race and the wreck. I thought, "Yeah, yeah I know about the wreck, how is Dale?" And as soon as I thought that, I said, "Oh man, he can't be.......!!??" Then Helton said it, the words I will never forget, ".....We have lost Dale Earnhardt." I lost it for I don't know how long, maybe hours. My wife began to cry because she knew how much I was hurt, she also loved Dale. I couldn't believe it though! How could he be dead??!! HE IS SUPERMAN!! HE CAN'T DIE!! I can still see that black number 3 driving around Daytona in my mind, and can still hear those words Helton said on the TV, but,
I came to understand, and have accepted now, that if GOD says it's time to go, even superpowers can't stop that from happening.
This page is a tribute to a man, I felt was like a father, brother and best friend that I never knew: DALE EARNHARDT. by: Steve |