Well, here goes nothing. It's sad I know, but I'm getting help.This is just phase I. I have to get new photos up of my room with new items added. Stay tuned!
My lil' workspace. Notice the fella behind the desk? ;) 

A Few random Epi 1 & 2 pieces

Hmmmm, I don't think this requires words (except maybe I can't take pictures without making a glare) 
How I spend my leisure time

My Jedi Wall....

My widdle corners. I wish I hadn't got that friggin' glare off my Ani Tin. I forgot to display my Topps AOTC trading cards. Oh well, maybe some other time.......

Shelves, shelves, shelves. A place to rest my Episode I dolls.
My LPs I bought as a child. Although Vanessa the bonehead wrote her name on one of them. Nice going ding-dong head
I hope you enjoyed the little tour, and that you don't think I'm weird. I've moved my room around, plus I've added many more SW items to my collection. If I can ever afford to buy film again, I'll update. If they'll stop releasing SW stuff for awhile, maybe I can ;)
BTW, If you'd like to check out my amateur attempts at desktop wallpaper, click HERE

Updated on Sunday, March 16th 2003

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