HI all and welcome to my page , here I keep a bit of my life online just incase I get lost and ask you who I really am . . and in a way to say Thank you to all those people out there that brighten my day every day in so many beautiful ways . |
This is me !! |
OK Well as you may see no stud, Im just me and mostly I like it that way . I like people , computers and anything else thats fast flying, racing ....the list goes on . I live in South Africa where I do Network Support for a company that supplies internet via satellite . Some areas of the network is still in development so I spend most of my time at the office . Enough about me , Let me show you a bit more of my life . |
Here is the Pride and Joy of my life .This is Zuiqe he is 3 years and 6 months and the one person that might have made the most changes in my life. We share the same intrests aircraft ,fast cars , racing and playing Need For Speed on the PC. Well he plays most of the time and I only get called when his hand gets tired of holding the joystick.He likes talking to everybody is not shy at all and is nearly bilingual but still working on it With him here is his puppy Musso she is about 2 months old . |
Zuiqe means Mighty Warrior and comes from a Tribal naming in Upper Africa. The name fits him well as he is one of those little tough guys who will fall out the tree rubb off the dust and blood and run off to go climb something else truely a no nonsense bundle of love. Musso the dog is teething need I say more ? The two of them are inseprable. When Zuiqe puts his little feet out the door Musso is by his side , I suppose to protect but I think at this stage more to play . |
Ok Thats about the pic's I have from home ....for now !! Let me share a couple of my friends with you , all of them are Cyber Family and I call them Family cause they mean a lot to me . They light up my days and sometimes even my nights, all depends when Im at work. |
Lets start with Kylie , she lives in Cairns and till date has been my daily Cyber friend for close to a year. I plan to go visit her soon . She is a warm loving kind person. And always there when I need advice or just a shoulder. Kylie is 18 and has quite a couple of friends , look at her smile and you shouldnt even wonder why .Kylie has introduced me to some of her friends who talks to me on a nearly daily basis too. All from Cairns. I think its the place to be. Kylie what can I say , thanks for the sunshine each day . Speaking to you every day just makes the day so much more to look forward too. |
Privet Vika !!!
This is my Russian friend who I met completely by accident. Vika lives in St Petersburg and is turning 17 one of these days . She mentioned that she would come to South Africa some time to appreciate the sunshne , but only after she finished her studies. So I suppose I dont need to make Dinner bookings just yet. We share a lot of the same intrests and every now and then we learn a bit more of each others language. I enjoy talking to her as Russia has always facinated me , and I would like to go there too some day . I cannot say we chat regularly but we mail quite often as she has a very busy schedule . . .. |
And some more dear friends !!!!!!>> |