Stef's SMEG
Stockholm Motorcycle Enthusiasts Group
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
That Sex and Motorbikes are the two most important things in life,
Therefore the freedom to practice them as we see fit is a Basic Human Right.
And that Religion is, like, really stoopid.
YOWZAR! Burnout!
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My Triumph Daytona 955i It's had it's arse accessorised off! (These days I have a Tiger)
Crash! It's enough to make a grown man cry etc.
Trackdays Gelleråsen in Sweden.
Mucky There's a price to pay for riding in Winter.
My previous bikes We are talking motorcycles, obviously.
Miscellaneous bike stuff Gorgeous pictures, videos and anti-Shirley Davidson abuse.
Bike shows Drool fests.
Bike babes A different sort of drool fest ('No nudity' indeed!)
Bike links You want more? You got more.
Also check out BritSwedeGuy - my personal homepage
and An Ordered Life, a site dedicated to a band I used to be in, with free MP3s
This site is rated "Skinny-Armed Faggot Bastard-friendly".
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