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COIL is a group of guys and gals who own and enjoy the 94-96 Chevrolet Impala SS. The bulk of us reside in the central part of Oklahoma that consists of OKC (OKlahoma City to you out of staters) down to Norman (home of OU). We do how ever have members that reside in Tulsa, Perry, and as far south as the OK/TX border. The first formation of COIL disbanded after a couple of key people moved to other areas of the country, but now COIL is back and ready to roll. The current membership of COIL is about 10 people and their better halves. This is a very casual group and new members are always welcome. Remember their are no membership dues so if you are in the state of Oklahoma drop us a line.

Our Members page

COIL Pic Page

Impala Related Businesses of Our Members

Performance Page.. more will be added soon

Click here to find out why men pay so much for car insurance (may take a litte bit to load)

Here are a few links to other IMPALA SS related sites

Impala SS Internet Headquarters (National Assoc. of Impala SS Owners)
South East Impala Lovers (SEIL)

94-96 Impala SS Web Ring site is owned by

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