Another Stupid Website About Some Guy's Car
Welcome to my Miata's home on the Internet. My name is Troy Lister and my Miata is a 2000 Emerald Mica with sport package.
I haven't come up with a good nickname for this car yet; in fact I only purchased it in March of 2001 as a replacement for my original Miata, a 1990 Classic Red, which I had driven for several years. My wife and I most commonly refer to the cars as "Red" and "Green"; pretty original heh? My 1990 suffered a mechanical failure along the lines of a loose nut behind the steering wheel in Feb. of 2001. It wasn't so much going off the road that hurt, more the big drop afterwards. I should think to pick the spots I am going to wreck better. Anyway, since the car was so old the Insurance company paid to total it out. I picked up my 2000 as an unsold holdover from Davis-Moore Mazda of Wichita, KS. I
GREEN (2000 Emerald Mica with Sport Package)
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RED (1990 Classic Red) R.I.P. |
My Dad's (1999 Leather with
JR Supercharger) |
My wife, Stephanie, and I at the Beaumont Hotel Airplane parking lot in Beaumont, KS; 1999. The historic hotel in Beumont also features a nice restaurant. For years, pilots of small airplanes have been flying into Beaumont from around the State (and beyond) and parking their planes right next to the restaruant. My dad grew up in Beaumont and we stopped off there on our way back home from an Air Capital Miata Club Rally through southeast Kansas.
My Dad's Miata with Red. The day I bought my first Miata I drove it over to my Mom & Dad's. Dad loved it so much he went out and bought a black 99 when they came out. A couple of months later, he traded the black model on this silver model with leather so he could get the Torsen rear end. He let a cousin of mine from Oklahoma go for a ride with him and she in turn went out and bought a 10th Anniversary Edition Miata. Now I am on my second Miata. MAZDA SHOULD OWE ME SOMETHING!
Here are a bunch of us Miata freaks at a stop in Dexter, KS during our southeast Kansas rally. Red is the one way down on the left side. Note that many of the drivers had their tops down despite a high temperature around 55 degrees (add the wind going by at highway speed and you'll see why I don't feel too whimpy about keeping my top up...)
Addendum, early the next spring: It was 45 this morning on my way to work (30 miles at 70 mph on the turnpike) and I had my top down without even thinking about it, I must be getting as crazy as the rest of these guys.
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A gathering in April of 2001 of the Air Capital Miata Club. It was a scavanger hunt around Wichita. Steph, Green and I came in close to last but we had a lot of fun. We drove to Old Town and got some freshly made fudge. It wasn't on the list but COME ON, its FUDGE!! You can't see my wife or Green in this picture but I am the guy in the white Hawaiian shirt towards the left. |
Sometimes I have so much fun driving Green around that I forget to take care of myself... |
Click Thumbnails below for pictures from recent Miata outings:
8/18/01 Miatas at the Starlite Drive-In; Wichita, KS
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OTHER Pictures:
My Miata and my buddy Thomas' WRX
My car, my wife, and Star Wars, the great loves of my life. You determine the order. My wife doesn't have website, but the others do.
Miata.Net - Holy Web Grail of all things Miata. If you own one, visit this site at least 10 times a day. If you don't, visit once and you might buy one.
Air Capital Miata Club - Our local branch of Miata goodness. If you own a Miata and live within driving distance of Wichita, KS, you should consider joining up. We have rallies, go to autocross events, have picnics, and all sorts of fun.
The Force.Net - More Star Wars infomation than you can shake a gaffi stick at.
ADR BookPrint - The other great love of my life, my job!!