Dakin Engineering

2002 has come and gone. At the March Maxton meet, we bumped the MPS/PBG record to 139 mph. It was surpassed by a Guzzi in October, so you know I'll have to go back. We also established records in M/PBG, MPS/PBF, and M/PBF. Natasha got some radical frame changes after Maxton. The local All Harley Drags were a bust, as in clutch. All was better for the 2002 World of Speed at Bonneville, but it got rained out??? So we went in October to the World Finals and moved the world record to 135 mph and set a new record in MPS/PBF at 123 mph.

More pics from Bonneville October, 2002...

Pics from Bonneville September, 2001...

More pics from Maxton...


At Maxton and the Harley plant open house. This was the only appearance of the 4 inch pipe and the last appearance of the PM front wheel. Seems it was bent. Good for 140, but not 150. Due to the September rainout, we went to the open house at the Kansas City plant. Seems nobody showed in the Buell class, so a Competition class was made on the spot. We won.

2001 Dyno Sheet

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Some cool links...

Here's Natasha and I.

Here's some pictures from the All Harley Drags at Orlando Speed world.

Here's some pictures from the 1999 All Harley Drags in Kansas City.

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