000_0193.JPG 33front-qtr.jpg

My_garage.JPG BadBoy1sm.jpg My first car

This is a site for pictures of my 1933 Plymouth coupe.
And also some pictures I've take at Houston area car shows.

I will take pictures of my car on request, if it will assist you.

Also email me if you see a typo or if I've misidentified a year or model.

I'm working on the page again, finally! So some links may not work.

Send email here:


The above Quarter-Midget was my first "car".
But my first real car was a 1937 Chevrolet Coupe.
These pictures are from High School - 1969-1972.
Plus it's still out in the garage today.
So there's also a picture taken in December 2000.

Street Rods at
Spring Fling 2000 in Rosenburg, Tx

Street Rod Coupes
Plymouths, Fords and Chevrolets at
Spring Fling 2000 in Rosenburg, Tx

Even More Street Rods at
Spring Fling 2000 in Rosenburg, Tx

Muscle Cars at
Spring Fling 2000 in Rosenburg, Tx

Commercial Vehicles at
Spring Fling 2000 in Rosenburg, Tx



Front suspension

Rear suspension

My coupe at the Old Town Spring Rod Run

A 34 Plymouth Coupe in Spring!

Misc interesting cars in Old Town Spring

My 1964 Chevrolet truck

The description of my page is:
Latest page update: April 3, 2000


Please come back soon and visit me.

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