Elkhart Lake Racing & Sipping Society

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The Official 2008 Call to Conclave
Is out!! Read it here NOW!
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June 26, 2008
  • The 2008 Official Call to Conclave finally Arrives!
    A new era has begun. 'The Call' arrived a full 2 days earlier than last year. That must, however be tempered by the facts that:
    1. It arrived via email, from an address with the name 'Nancy' associated. Which means either the writer is finally comfortable with his birthright moniker, or his wife had to do it for him (which she has been known to do, wink, wink) AND,
    2. Had it been mailed, it no doubt would have arrived post-conclave

    Buuuuuuuuuut, nevertheless, it is now available for the whole world, including you, to peruse.
June 21, 2008
  • Racine chapter members attend June Sprints
    In a last minute whirlwind of flyin 'chips', Tim and Steve cash in a few and sneak away from home for a 6:30am departure to the namesake racetrack and a trip back to where it all started. Not the crowds of yore, but a pretty good showing. We also leave early as familial commitments beckon us both.
June 28, 2007
  • 2007 Call to Conclave (finally) Arrives!
    The much anticipated, oft derided, prudently chastised, neigh on "almost to late to be meaningful", and mostly read askance with chagrin 2007 Call to Conclave has been delivered by what must have been all the angels and ministers of heaven. .... But it did arrive. Let the "rollicksome frivolity" begin!
May 2007
  • New encampment established.
    A new primitive campsite has been located. Scouted at the Spring Vintage Festival, a local sportsman's club just behind the track. More details to follow.
September/October, 2006
  • Ken-Ev Shuts Down!
    Reported by Bell/Krikau who attended the Fall Vintage Races, Ken-Ev Campground (duly known as 'The Friendly Confines') has shut down/sold out. Verified and imaged later at the MFBA track day in October, this standard of easy living is no more. What are we to do? The daily parade of classic cars entering and leaving the track with the accompanying euphony of delectable sounds, waking to that same orchestra, the cold hosepipe wash stand, the insanely dilapitated outhouse, ants, chiggers. Wherefore art thou, bliss?
July 9, 2006
  • Scouting Report
    Whilst dropping my daughter at the nearby Camp Anokijig, I took the opportunity to perform an advance scouting. Ken-Ev is indeed OPEN, replete with hideous blue/purple boat and mailbox up front. Posted rate is $25 as of the Ferrari Challenge. The lower level is manicured, our chosen side of the driveway is status quo, opposite side is enclosed by a chain link fence.

    The Osthoff is bigger yet, with the new west? wing completed. Seibkens is looking a bit weathered and undermaintained. Perhaps a future real estate deal is in the works? All else is in order for the upcoming festivities.
June 7, 2006
  • 2006 Call to Conclave Arrives!!
    Against the Vegas oddsmakers, Lenske comes through with yet another in the series. Still lavishly overembellished and overtly complicated and pretentious, it never the less actually arrived in the paws of (I'm assuming) all members. Read it here.
October 27, 2005
  • MORE archives, New Musing
    I now have published all the archive photos I have, and integrated the slide show into the main site. Still need more pictures! I know there are still good ones out there. Scan the albums, scan those loose pictures and send them in. REMEMBER to include the date ('cuz I have NO clue)! Also added a link to an article that talks about the "correct" way to drive an old car. Fits our methodology perfectly. (Tempo excluded)
October 22, 2005
  • MORE, BETTER, COOLER archives!
    Click Here for more from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and beyond. Yes, I have some more on the way, but, keep sending those pictures, we'll make room!!
October 19, 2005
  • The Archiving Begins
    The first published archives of really old and embarassing pictures hit the net.
September 27, 2005
  • ELR&SS grabs it's piece of cyberspace!
    On this day, a day that will live in infamy, the internet domain www.elrss.com was registered to the unofficially designated web wizard of the group, for the benefit of the entire group, and duly directed to the existing web content.

    As per usual, the cheapest route known to mortal men was the final impetus; $15 for 5 years thru Yahoo. If anyone is willing to donate REAL web server space, we could have a truly free-standing web presence.

    NEVERTHELESS, this momentous occurrance, this giant leap toward freedom, is truly cause for celebration. This combined with the now available and nearly endless space for indirect storage on my home pc, served up via RoadRunner Biz Class, combines for a possibly spectacular archive of embarrasing pictures and video. Bring it on!
July 2005
  • Annual Conclave 2005 Gears up!
    Once again, no Call to Conclave has been forthcoming. All members have, with great exasperation, once again given up on our ONCE punctual (cough) and illustrious (delerious) leader.

    However, despite all hopes of an official Call seeing the light of day OR dark of night dashed, the troops forge on, without the superfluous rambling. Not remarkably, we are all doing much better, and 3/4ths of the Racine chapter will arrive earlier than recent memory can recall. While that could refer to only a day ago, it does go back untold years. The remnants of the stalwart Racine chapter shall begin the pomposity early on Friday.

    Not to be outdone, the Minnesota chapter recently checked in and reported an expected Thursday afternoon arrival. Precluding the eventual drivelling lame excuses, we expect the schedule to be met.

    The Northern Wis chapter, though babbling of some early arrival pipedream, will no doubt be curtailed by events unimaginable and unmitigatable. Leaving the rest of the crew blissfully enjoying the lush, rolling Kettle Moraine, brats and cars at something more than a intoxicated snail's pace.
September 13, 2004
  • Wild Wheels Wednesday '04
    It was an exercise in mastering vehicle control in two very different situations. First we went to the Badger Kart Club and beat around a half-mile 12 turn road course in the racing kart. From there we loaded up and headed down to Lake Geneva Raceway and thrashed the '92 Civic automatic around the 1/3 mile semi-banked asphalt oval. Engines and tires were hot, spins abounded and lots of laughs ensued. At the end of a full day, all were tired but hopefully had enough race fix to last through the long cold winter season which will all too quickly decend upon the sullen midwest.

July 19, 2004
  • The frivolity and mockery that is the Annual Conclave has by now ceased. The absurdity continued to the bitter end, however, with the last troopers once again fixing Lenzke hardware. This time it was a trailer bulb. It never ends....

July 16, 2004
  • The Official Call to Conclave finally arrived, albeit one day INTO the onset of called event. At that, it was in a round-about, electronic manner, unknown to all but the most tech-saavy members, and NOT by the truly official delivery of the USPS. I think the chili is backing up into the chef's head.

September, 2003
  • Mr. & Mrs. Krik ventured to the Fall Vintage Classic held in Elkhart in late September and reported a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Definitely worth a trip for a Sunday get-away.

July 22, 2003
  • The 2003 Conclave has concluded with resounding success. This is substantiated by the fact that a certain Illinois Chapter member went home sick, foregoing use of a pre-purchased weekend pass. In attendance were: Jim T, Jimmy Lee, Jim M, Glen, B. Mitchell, Krik, Steve.

  • We have finally taken the Route 67 eatery off the list of approved eateries after a disgusting breakfast of little food and rotten sausages was endured. $10 for the crap because Jim T. and his "committed" rule. The place on the bend going into Elkhart has taken it's place following a perky little buffet for $5.95 that was perfectly upstanding.

  • We hung around late on Sunday, but alas, Jeff did not show up. This against our most urgent beliefs that he could appear at any time.

  • Jim T. arrived in style his classic Suburban pulling a classic Airstream Globe Trotter. This combo effectively replaces the tents of years past. The structure was different, the procedures remained.

  • Other vehicles at the encampment were Glen's little pickup, Tim's '67 Caprice, Jim M.'s Exploder, B.'s $100 Tempo, and Steve's Vanestoga conversion van.

  The short version of the long, sordid tale....
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Other related, semi-interesting places to visit
Humorous Car Parts Steve's NoNameRacing.com
Blackhawk Farms Raceway Midwestern Council (MCSSC)
Road America A Guide to Other Racetracks
Vintage Sports Car Drivers Association Go ahead, e-mail us if you dare!

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