Here in Houston Street Racing (HSR) has been going on for decades. From talking with some of the older guys around. Rankin seems to be the one place that has held its reign as the spot to watch, participate, or organize a street race. This site will be based on information and pictures from this area. If there is a switch to another place let me know - drop me a line.

There are other spots, because as we all know the cops will be on our ass ever minute of every hour, but one has to be quick, alert, and pay attention to what is going on inorder to follow the game.

My hope with ths site is showcase some of the cars (no license plates please) that frequent the local spots, and to keep everyone in tune with what spots are hot and what spots are getting hit by the cops on a regular basis.

When I get the chances to watch some local racing I will post that next week what cars raced and who won. No plates, No names, No specifics - just the cars!

The "Streetracing" link below will be the place to check out pictures of the local cars, and if submitted a little information on the cars and drivers.

It will eventually contain a map indicating some of local spots. There will be spots missing that I know about and learn about that will not show up on the map - because I don't need a bunch of freakin' angry street racers after my ass because the cops might be watching this shit.

All I will say is that some of the old spots are hitting again. And there are some spots that run some of the quickest damn cars on the street and strip - 10 & 9 sec rides are very common, and so is lots of money!!

So, if you know of a new spot, or know of a spot that is running a consistant amount of large crowds let me know. I plan to go out and check some of the older spots soon.

The next link, "Project Chevy" will show- case my projects, friends projects, and your projects.

Submit your information and attach a picture to an email, and send to this address: and I will be happy to post it as soon as I can.

Also, if you have a site up and running about your car, your group, or anything auto related let me know as well.

I will try to be as diligent as possible in keeping this site current with local events, "legal spots," and links to helpful information including - Houston Raceway Park, LoneStar Raceway, Navasota Raceway, and even the Weather Channels Web Site for that last minute information as to what it will be like for a night of successful racing.

Check it out! I have added some online racing for your personal enjoyment. I have checked it out, and I have been playing for several days. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is slow, but it is a very cool game.


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