I would like to WELCOME you to my ever-changing page. It seems that as soon as you do something to your web site, you think of something different to do. If this is not your first time here, don't assume that everything is the same, because more than likely it isn't.

In case you haven't yet guessed, the main "JIST" of this page is FIERO related, more specifically my 1987 Pontiac FIERO GT, henceforth the name: JP Hawks FIERO Page. But this page is still in its infancy stage, so expect more to come...

I have owned everything from a 1979 MG Midget to an Mercedes Benz 450 SEL, and I can honestly say that my '87 GT is my all time favorite car - to own and to drive. I must also add that is not my first FIERO. A few years back I had a 1984 Pontiac FIERO 2m4 Notchback. (And NO, it did not catch fire!) It was stolen, and when it was recovered
TWO, (I am not kidding, just 2 days), it was completely stripped. It was nothing but a rolling chasis. They stole the doors, interior, windshield, all the body panels, EVERYTHING. I had to borrow a steering wheel from a friends Grand Am, and a milk crate, and the police officer had to show me how to start it with a screw driver. I drove it to the Pontiac dealership where I was working at the time as if it was a go-kart. All the way there I could just imagine what the people in the cars passing me where thinking;

"Man, we though we had it rough, that
POOR bastard can't even afford a windshield or a seat!" LOL :o)

Well, my heart said rebuild, but my wallet said fat chance. So I traded it in for $200.00 and bought a brand new Suzuki X-90, and spent the next 3 years regreting my decision. As soon as I was able to, I got out of that car and went in search of another FIERO. As soon as I found this one I had to have it, and bought it the next day, and I have been smiling ever since.

Anyway, I invite you to check out my page, see the pictures of my GT, See the Upgrades I have planned for the future, my other Pride & Joy, and browse through some of the links. Please feel free to E-Mail me with any comment, suggestions, or questions. I would love to here from you.

Before you leave though, I ask only one Favor. Please take a moment to click on the link below to the Pontiac Fiero Knowledge Base and go fill out their petion for Pontiac to Bring Back the FIERO. You don't have to own one to do this. You only have to be a fan of the car, or would just like to see an AMERICAN built 2 seater that is affordable, economical and fun to drive. And if it kicks some foriegn car butt, that wouldn't be bad either.


James Phillip Hawk

Go to the Pontiac Fiero Knowledge Base and fill out the petition for Pontiac to Bring Back the Fiero!!
Do you like my Pegasus Hood Decal? If you would like to find out how to get yours, click on the picture.
Well, this years FIERO Roundup is over and I must say that it was great fun. If you haven't yet, go see the Roundup gallery and check out the pictures of the event. I am already looking forward to next years Roundup, and I sure hope to see you there. We would really like to have more out of state participation, so stay tuned for more details as they become available. You can e-mail me if you have any questions, or contact the Alamo Area Fiero Owners club by clicking on the A.A.F.O. logo on the left.
Proud recipient of WWFL "Award for Excellence"

This Pontiac Fiero WebRing site is owned by JPHawk@geocites.com.
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Questions or comments, email the creator at: ufoinmi@aol.com

E-mail James Phillip Hawk atJPHawk@geocities.com