Bug Junction

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A few of my Volkswagens

"Your cabrio has been produced after August 1st, 1979, so it is a model 1980". This is the reply I received from the site where I registered the car. If you would like to Register your Cabriolet, check out this site. http://www.typ15.de/
1966 Deluxe Bus. SOLD here
One of my favorites that draws a lot of attention. I got this from a guy I met on the internet a few years back. John and I have been friends ever since. It's a 1970 convertible with a baja kit. There is no back window, so it makes it look a little different. I LIKE different. We call it the Easter egg because I bought it on Easter weekend a few years back and because of its bright color.
1973 SuperBeetle with a Rolls Royce front and rear. This car sat for 14 years before I bought it. The car had less than 50,000 miles on it at the time. Very little rust with NO rust on the pans. Interior was near perfect.
1973 Vandetta Panel Bug--I need the proper running boards and seats. photos
z Empi/Kellison mixed looking dune buggy More pics
1966 Hippie panel van. More pics here or here
1972 hightop Westy. More photos here.
1966 Beetle SOLD
1968 gold Bug
1968 Bus ..now a storage bus
1989 Cabriolet Daughters car
1990 Cabriolet ** FOR SALE **

VW Shrine Homepage Ring by www.webring.org

Misc. Stuff

Miscellaneous Stuff

The troll who loves Bugs

June 22 is officially recognized as World Wide Day of the Beetle. For more info: VW Trends Drive your VW to work day


If you find a dead link, please email me

VW Shrine/Webring Driverswanted.com The Volkswagen Archive BusBones VW Based kit cars Ovals Only VW Wiring Diagrams Mexibeetle Aircooled Only VW Links Mull's Page, For All Your Volkswagen Needs BugBits The Lost & Exploited VW Salvation Site Brad Clausen's VW Radio Repair Vintage VW Bus Site North Florida VW News West Coast Restoration Aircooled VW Virtual VW Southeastern Bug-Fair Trader Online: Free Used Car Classifieds VW Personal Pages..if you can't find it here, it doesn't exist!

Southeastern VW Club Aircooled Interstate Rescue Squad


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