Keywords Alan Moreno Yu's alanyu_ph Manila Philippines Atenean Ateneo University Marist High School old school RWD Long term project Toyota Starlet KP 61 Project Car 4 AGE Turbo Toyota Web Ring
                                 Mabuhay and Welcome to my nook on the web
My page deals mostly with the first car I decided to keep even past its 'useful stage"
My first serious hobby was remote control car racing 1/10th scale electric then 1/8 scale gas.
I guess the experience with the scale car racing drove me to building my own
"fun car with a high rev-ving engine" with I can take out for a drive on a clear night.


ATENEO College Batch 83 20th reunion
Sept 27,2003

    the starlet as it was around 1990 a kp62 4 door ENTER the starlet when I started the project Jan 1997

The Starlet project car as of Oct 03  See more pictures

1999. 2 years after. Now a 2 door unfinished project                       October 2000 ready for painting. Can I finish the project before
                                                                                                        the year end? probably NOT.