Stoneybridge Railway General Modelling Information Site
This site contains information for Railway modellers (from beginners to experts) People interested in the history of Hamworthy station, and steam locomotive workings through Hamworthy and Poole on the Waterloo - Weymouth mainline. Some of the content may also be of interest to those of you into small scale engineering. There are a number of Hi-Colour digital photographs taken with CCD Video Digital cameras. Some pages on this site may take a while to load due to the high graphic content. This site is designed to be viewed in 32bit colour graphics modes in a 700 pixel wide window, but can be viewed in higher or lower resolutions with any colour depth from 32bit (or higher) down to 16 colour or even FSD+ dithered mono screen modes. This site does not support WAP mobile telephones.
This site is also reachable via courtesy of logo by Ozz Scott.

Main Index, Select an item listed below.
Scale Models, Select an item listed below.
Small scale modelling, plans, diagrams & methods.

Although most of my modelling is to 1/148th scale British N gauge there is information on the following pages of various processes and methods usefull to modellers in all scales. The scale of models displayed on a page is shown in brackets after the page description...

(N) =British `N' 9mm gauge. (OO) =British `OO' 16.5mm gauge.

Important Critical Dimentions for modellers of British railway prototypes in the most popular small modelling scales. (N) (2mm) (TT3) (HO) (OO) (EM) (Ofine)

Some of Stoneybridge Railway's 9mm `N' gauge railway models. (N)

Stoneybridge Railway 1/148th scale Wagons. (N)

Ozz's Experimental `3 link' chain couplings in 1/148th scale. (N)

`Proper' three link chain couplings on 1/148th scale models. (N)

Which N Gauge track?.. Direct comparison of Peco Code 55 & 80 Streamline track. (N)

The Helensburgh branch `OO' 16.5mm gauge railway modelling pages. (OO)

Helensburgh Branch `OO' 16.5mm gauge Rolling Stock. pages. (OO)

The chemical blacking information page. (N)

Chemical wheel blacking, `35028' Clan Line. (N)

The Stoneybridge Signalling & Train Detection Circuits page.

Cheap & Easy Close Coupling in 1/148th scale. (N)

Modified British N Gauge Farish King Class loco picture from Maurice Pearce. (N)

N Gauge Prototype Deltic loco picture from Maurice Pearce. (N)

Full Scale Prototypes, Select an item listed below.
Real full scale locomotives and historic locations.

Images of Poole. Railways / Historical interest

Hamworthy Junction Signal Box Old mechanical box, still in regular use.

Hamworthy Junction, a little bit of History .

Hamworthy Station. as it was in 1999.

Hamworthy Station. as it is was in January 2000.

Hamworthy Station Regeneration Project. 28/FEB - 07/APR/2000

Images of Hamworthy Goods (March 2000)

34016 West Country Class `Bodmin' passing Hamworthy. 15/Jul/2000

35005 Rebuilt Merchant Navy Class `Canadian Pacific' visits Poole. 01/Jul/2000

60098 A Special Class 60 visits Hamworthy.

66092 Class 66 photographs by request.

73101 `The Royal Alex' visits Hamworthy with Serco test train.

`Class 442 Wessex Electric' EMU's at Hamworthy.

Southern Railway Steam Locomotive Headcodes and their routes.

Mainline Steam visitors to Poole and Hamworthy.

Internet Sites.
Usefull and interesting Links to other websites outside Stoneybridge. and
! NOTICE !This image is intentionally squint, just to be different :)! NOTICE !
The modifications and methods shown on this site are entirely experimental and are subject to change as I find and develop better methods. Anyone attempting to use the processes and methods shown here do so entirely at their own risk. I am documenting the methods I have used myself to achieve what I think are `better looking' models. If you are thinking of modifying your own stock using the methods shown here, I would recommend starting on a second hand, or damaged model before attempting to modify a new kit or your existing finished models.

I am currently working for..
Click here to visit the Prolec Limited website.

Looking for something Southern? Have You visited..
The Click here to visit the Southern Egroup's website
An email discussion group focussed on Southern Railway matters and all things Southern. History, Prototypes, Preservation, and for modellers, advice on how to `Southernise' and detail kits/RTR stock, locomotives and infrastructure. Well worth joining if it's Southern Railway related information you are looking for.

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to this site since March 2000.

Health Warn-Grin! ;-).

Copyright Notes

All content, images and photographs on this site are Copyright © Ozz Scott, unless stated otherwise. Copyright holders will be fully credited for images where copyright is held by a third party.

The `Submit Express' image is copyright Submit Express and appears here in return for adding this site to search engine lists.

The `Splut' images are copyright and appear here in return for listing this site on the Splut UK site index.

The `Prolec' image is copyright Prolec Ltd and is used here as an imagelink to the Prolec website.

The `Southern Egroup Image' is copyright Southern Email Group of which I am an active member.