Welcome to the Realm
You are the peasant
Cold-hearted orb,
that rules the night.
Removes the colors
from our sight...
Red is gray and yellow, white.
But we decide
which is right
and which is an illusion.
I tend to forget I even have a webpage for extended periods of time. If you have something you'd like to see here, you can email it to me at rastus812@hotmail.com. Check back from time to time as I will try to update and add to it more frequently.
(Negative comments are subject to deletion.)
This page is dedicated to the memory of Ronald G. Haskell
I will be watching over you,
Going to help to see you through.
And protect you in the night.
I'm standing next to you
in silent lucidity.
MAINE: photos and links from home MICHELE; my ex-wife's webpage
VENT: my comments on various topics
PHOTOS: me, my friends, and family
SITE: I can be found in the chatrooms here
JOKES: a few of my favorites
The chatroom is now registered, which means it is always there 24/7, even when I'm not. (OK I heard that...not funny)
Dicks are subject to immediate boot & banishment, so...  don't be a dick!
I have added a chatroom to this site. You will need Java Version 1.1 or higher to get in. Click the button below and if the chat window doesn't load, scroll down for the link to a Java help site. They will tell you what version you have and what you need to do to get Java working on your pc.
Not much to report. Just watching the goings-on in Iraq. If you're one of the anti-war activists, you may help yourself to a piping hot plate of shut the hell up with a side order of get off my website. Hussein is a very nasty human being not worthy of breathing. The UN would have been screaming like little kids had he used some chem-weapon in the future, but didn't want to act now. Mean people suck and should be dealt with accordingly. And what should it matter what we do over there?...9/10ths of the middle east population already hate us. If you want peace and freedom, it's gonna cost some lives. Look at the people who come to this country every year seeking freedom and a better way of life...we must be doing something right over here. I have no problem with folks wanting to live without tyrrany and persicution. However if you're gonna stay here and try to sell me a bag of Cheetos and a lotto ticket, you damn well better do it in my language. "When in Rome" as they say. And when in Greece, don't bend over.
It has been quite some time since I messed with this thing. Not much has
changed around here. Still single and still living in Florida, and YES....still loathing it
here. I've recently changed positions within the company I work for. A lot less stress and less hours for the same pay. It's going good so far. Bought a new pc recently. Bigger, better, faster. Still getting crappy dsl service from Bellsouth, but it does beat the hell out of dial-up usually.
My daughters are testing my sanity on a regular basis. The oldest is now 13. Any questions? I didn't think so. The other will be 9 in May. I still have all of my hair so they haven't won yet, though I do have some grey in my beard. My 93 Bronco is still running strong. Love that thing! lol
Soon I will be starting to restore my old 79 Bronco. Needs a new cam and a lot of cosmetic work both inside and out. Quite the project, but it will keep me from pissing time away on the web. I happen to drive such monstrosities for primarily one reason: they allow me to keep a good close eye on all the morons on the road around me. The price I pay for fuel is, to me, a fair price to pay for feeling safer being surrounded by something that large.

I still spend a certain amount of time each day making note of the idiosyncrocies of todays society.
Do I think myself smarter than most people? Most definitely not. Do I consider myself to have more common sense than most? Absolutely. Todays people as a whole are greedy, narcisstic, and lazy.
For instance, take those motorized scooters with the little shopping basket on the front. They have them at all the major grocery stores. They were designed and put in place for people with physical handicaps. Radical obesity is not an excuse for being handicapped. If you have to ride while you shop because your legs can't support your fat ass, a grocery store is the last place you need to be. Try filling that basket with some cheese and crackers, or maybe some WeightWatchers frozen dinners. If your buttocks have thier own zip code, diet Pepsi and low-fat Pringles are NOT the answer either.

I have not watched any extended amount of television in roughly 3 years. As a matter of fact, I cancelled my cable just about that long ago. The amount of brain-rotting feces that they broadcast became overwhelming. I refuse to allow that crap to infest my children. They should be out playing, or *gasp* reading a book. I do own a dvd player and a small assortment of discs. We watch good movies now and then. There is nothing wrong with escaping reality once in awhile and I see it as a visual/audio book.

I purchased a cell phone awhile back on Ebay but have yet to get it hooked up and working. My main reason for getting a cell phone was in retaliation to Bellsouths horrible internet service. I was seriously considering telling them to take all of the services they rape me with and sodomizing themselves with them for a change. However, there's something about cell phones that just screams wrong wrong wrong. I dislike phones to begin with. I just happen to find them very annoying. I suppose there is nothing that says I have to carry the cell phone with me everywhere I go, like every other person with a verified mailing address and two forms of identification.

My battle to end the onslaught of intelligence-insulting email is ongoing. I suspect I am fighting a losing battle. I am facing an entire society who feels it necessary to send chain letters and religious anecdotes to everyone they have ever exchanged an email address with. Please, I beg of you, no more mail that has a "Jesus works in mysterious ways"  theme to it. I have worked hard to disassociate myself from organized religion and I find that sort of thing offensive at the very least. I have tried to get the message across to everyone more than once via my own sarcastic mailings, but it hasn't worked. Within 2 or 3 days, my inbox once again contains the story of some sort of moralistic dilema for which an invisible, all powerful man up in the sky has the perfect answer for. If that kind of thing makes you feel better and somehow enlightened, great. But it is not your call to make that everyone else desperately needs to read it too. Trust me, I've been at this too long to be "saved" by a holy email. The only thing that I am moved to is the delete button.

This past year I made a wonderous discovery known as Ebay. What a fantastic venue for someone like myself. Makes shopping a pleasure again. No waiting in line, no rude lazy slower than a cancerous death cashiers, no sales people practically willing to give you a hummer to make a sale, no one holding a family reunion in the middle of the aisle...just find what you want and get it, and they'll send it right to your front goddam door. Amazing. It also helps to promote that competitive spirit in all of us. Beating someone else out of an item at the last minute of an auction is so gratifying.

I have more socialistic opinions on my Vent page. Feel free to read and curse me.
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