NPK Motorsports
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Dwarf Car Builder and Racer
Dwarf Car Racing In Colorado
NPK Motorsports is a Dwarf Car Racing Team  Based in  Aurora Colorado,And is currently registered with the Rocky Mountain Dwarf Car Racing Association,This site does provide a link to The Rocky Mountain Dwarf Car web site.As Well as links to other Dwarf Car racing web sites.We will provide any information about dwarf car racing in Colorado for those who are interested in participating or are just curious about this style of oval track racing or even being a sponsor.
Dwarf Cars are about 5/8 scale versions of the late 20s,30s,and early 40s American sedans,and coupes,They are powered by a motorcycle engines up to 1250ccs.These cars are capable of attaining speeds in excess of 90mph on 1/2 mile oval tracks,The cars run on dirt and asphalt tracks as small as a 1/5th mile all the way up to tracks as big as a 1/2 mile.
NPK Motorsports will answer all questions for the up coming season.For those seeking information or wanting to link to our site please e-mail Norm Kiefer at
All questions will be answered to the best of our ability.
As a builder we do supply A arms and front  and rear bumper loops.
   We are also capable of many chassis repairs and welding jobs

   It is well into winter now time to sit back and update this web site.With the season finished
we at Npk Motorsports would like to thank all of the fans , friends , and compeditors to  allow us to have a fantastic season .
   The  Team finished as follows  Norm Kiefer driving the # 62 car owned by Tom and Mary Huas of Golden Co. finished 5th in the points battle of the pro division.
    B J Schmidt running the  # 84 car managed to pull off  the sportsman's  Rookie of the
year Honors along with third place in points.
    Son Tim Kiefer  driving the # 88 car finished 5th in the sportsman points battle.


At this time it is been decided that the RMDCRA will follow  the WSDRCA rules.Making it
a little easier for out of state racers to come run with the RMDCRA .
    Hope to see all of you at the races the 2003 Racing schedule is out and maybe viewed
at the RMDCRA web site .
For the Rocky Mountain Dwarf Car Racing Association Web Site    (click action)
Current Points Standings For R.M.D.C.R.A. The 2002 Current Points Standings are
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