Welcome to the 510sRus Website
We are a loose-knit group of guys in central
North Carolina that enjoy our Datsun 510's. Built in the late
1960's and early 70's these cars are small and simply built but
they are light and fast with the right "tweaking".
We also own a few Datsun truck models, 521's and 620's
also. Our group purchase, stock and sometimes borrow parts from
each other for the preservation of this unique car species. Strength
in numbers is what they say and we have the numbers to prove it.
(who is they anyway?!?!). With 14 cars that are legal and more than
a few parts cars we are always tweaking, rebuilding and bragging
about our cars at the 510sRus garage. (Actually Bradley's house
but who is counting anyway...)
We are always interested in purchasing more
510's and/or parts. If you have a 510 (or any other Datsun product)
that is sitting lonely in a field or garage, contact us. I will
see if it is of interest to us... Check out our Parts Wanted section
in the Parts and Suppliers section for parts that we desire....
Enjoy the Ride...